EDGIE POLISTICO’S encyclopedic PINOY dictionary
Compiled and re-written by Edgie B. Polistico
last update: Saturday, December 18, 2010 2:38:16 AM
aba – (a-bá; Visayan meat part /meat cut) [n.] breast of an animal, particularly the fowl’s breast as in chicken breast \a cut of this meat. (pitso in Tagalog)
abatud – (a-ba-tùd; Mindanawanon bug) [n.] horned coconut beetle larva. It is the edible larva of horned coconut beetle called uwang or amahong beetles in Mindanao, or bakukang in Visayan. In northern and eastern Mindanao, this larva is eaten raw, while in Pampanga and Ilocos regions, locals cooked it in adobo style. (batol in Cebuano)
abiyo – (a-bí-yo; Cebuano) [n.] food brought along in the journey or travel. \provision \food supply
abnoy – (áb-noy; Pateros dish; dw Eng. abnormal) [n.] unhatched semi-fertilized duck’s egg, in which the embryo died and failed to fully develop into a chick during the incubation period and smells rotten. The dead chick, a soft solid mass formed in the yolk, is discarded away and the smelly sulfurous egg is beaten with a dash of salt and cooked into a bibingkang itlog (omelet). The cooked omelet is best eaten by first dipping it in vinegar seasoned with salt and lots of garlic.
abokado – (a-bo-ká-do; dw Span. avocado) [n.] (same as abukado)
abrao – (áb-braw; Ilocano dish) [n.] a style of cooking mixed vegetables, wherein an assortment of locally available vegetables are cooked in bagoong. (a.k.a. inabrao; also spelled as abraw)
abraw – (áb-braw; Ilocano dish) [n.] (same as abrao)
abredor – (ab-bre-dór; dw Span. abridor [opener]) [n.] opener, all kinds of opener that include a bottle opener, cap opener, cork opener, etc.
abrelata – (ab-re-lá-ta; dw Span. abrelatas [can opener]) [n.] a can opener
abrillantadas – (ab-bril-yan-tá-das; Ilocano sweet; dw Span. abrillantada) [n.] fruits that are cooked into sweets and then molded in the shape of the same fruit. The molds are glazed with sugar to make them appear glossy.
abrillantadas – (ab-bril-yan-tá-das; Ilocano biscuit; dw Span. abrillantada) [n.] (see under biskuwit)
abukado – (a-bu-ká-do; dw Span. avocado) [n.] avocado (sc.name: Persea americana [Mill.]) \alligator pear
abuos – (a-bú-os; Ilocano exotic food) [n.] ant eggs. The egg of big ants called hantik. It is cooked either in the style of adobo (pickled). It can also be sautéed or lightly fried, or eaten as kinilaw (raw) by simply dipping it in vinegar.
achara – (at-tsá-ra) [n.] (same as atsara)
achuete – (a-tsu-wé-te; dw Mex. achuete [annatto]) [n.] (same as atsuwete)
adidas – (a-dí-das; dw brand name of a shoe “Adidas” with three-stripe logo that is likened to the three digits of fowl’s foot) [n.] (see under barbekyu)
adobado – (a-do-bá-do; Tagalog dish; dw Span. adobar [pickle]) [n.] the completed process of marinating or cooking meat in vinegar and spices, like a dish of dressed meat or pickled pork popularly known as adobo or the inun-onan of Cebuanos.
adobado – (a-do-bá-do; Bicolano dish; dw Span. adobar [pickle]) [n.] chicken stewed in coconut milk. Slices or chunks of chicken meat are stewed over a long time in coconut milk blended with spices, then coconut cream is added when cooking is about to finish.
adobado na alimusan – (a-do-bá-do na a-li-mu-sán; Ilonggo dish) [n.] mudfish cooked in coconut milk with atsuwete (annatto) seeds.
adobo – (a-dó-bo; Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray & Hiligaynon (Ilonggo) dish; dw Span. adobar [pickle]) [n.] pickled dishes, particularly referring to pickled pork or chicken meat. There are about a hundred ways in preparing and cooking adobo, but the most common is the dish made mainly with slices of meat (pork or fowl meat) soaked in vinegar, soy sauce, and spices consist of paminta dahon (laurel leaf), paminta buto (pepper corn), garlic, onion, etc.. All the ingredients are combined and marinated for some time, and then stewed to cook. Notably, most adobo served on the table are not dry. Its delectable gravy-filled soup is irresistibly good in topping plain steamed rice, or as spread on bread (or the other way, wipe or dip the bread on it). To make adobong tuyo or adobong pinatuyo (dried adobo), allow cooking to simmer over a long while until all the soup has evaporated or soaked into the meat. If you are using lean meat, add cooking oil in the process of cooking to avoid the dish from sticking to the bottom of the pan or cooking pot, burnt meat is the usual problem when all the soup is gone dry. Sitaw (string beans) and some leafy vegetables can also be cooked into adobo, such as talbos (tops) of sweet potato and kangkong (swamp cabbage). It is also necessary not to keep on stirring adobo while cooking to avoid the amoy hilaw na suka (smelly vinegar) effect. (Read more about adobo in the comments, below this page.)
*adobo sa gata (a-dó-bo sa ga-tâ; Tagalog dish) [n.] adobo with coconut milk. This is similar to the adobo style of cooking in Zamboanga peninsula where adobo is cooked in thick coconut cream.
*adobong baboy (a-do-bong bá-boy; Tagalog dish) [n.] adobo using pork as the meat ingredient, cooked in soy sauce and vinegar with garlic, and pamienta buto (peppercorn) and pamienta dahon (laurel leaves). (a.k.a. pork adobo)
*adobong Batangas (a-do-bong ba-táng-gas; Batangueño dish) [n.] the reddish and the yellowish versions of adobo in the province of Batangas. The pork or chicken meat is simmered in vinegar, garlic, and pepper like that of a conventional adobo. The reddish version is prepared by adding powdered seeds of atsuete (annatto). Thus, the adobo sauce turns reddish in color. While the yellowish version is prepared by adding luyang dilaw (turmeric). The turmeric (a.k.a. yellow ginger) distinctly transforms the adobo sauce into yellowish in color and gives a tangy taste. The reddish-orange version of adobong Batangas is the result of combining the ground annatto seeds and turmeric as seasoning in the adobo. (a.k.a. adobong Batangueño)
*adobong Batangueño (a-do-bong ba-tàng-gén-yo; Batangueño dish) [n.] (same as adobong Batangas)
*adobong Bicolano (a-do-bong bi-ko-lá-no; Bicolano dish) [n.] this pork or chicken adobo in mixed with coconut milk and some locally available spices. Because Bicolano is known for its fondness in hot pepper, most often the adobong Bicolano is peppery hot because of bird’s eye chili or finger chili added into it.
*adobong camaru (a-dó-bong ka-ma-rú; Pampangueño exotic dish) [n.] pickled mole crickets. An adobo dish that uses camaru, a species of mole crickets that thrive in the rivers of Pampanga as the main ingredient in place of the conventional meat.
*adobong Caviteño (a-do-bong ka-bi-tén-yo; Caviteño dish) [n.] pork or chicken adobo blended with mashed chicken liver. Thus, the adobo sauce has a thick consistency.
*adobong Laguna (a-do-bong la-gú-na) [n.] the yellowish pork or chicken adobo in the province of Laguna. It is cooked with luyang dilaw (turmeric) that makes the adobo sauce to become yellowish in color, similar to the yellowish version of Batangas adobo (a.k.a. adobong dilaw).
*Batangas adobo (ba-táng-gas a-dó-bo; Batangueño dish) [n.] (same as adobong Batangas)
*adobong manok (a-do-bong ma-nòk) [n.] pickled chicken stew \an adobo that uses chicken meat as the main ingredient. It is a casserole simmered with vinegar, soy sauce, crushed garlic, peppercorn, laurel leaf and the optional chili finger. (a.k.a. chicken adobo)
*adobong manok at baboy (a-do-bong ma-nòk at bá-boy) [n.] pickled chicken and pork stew \an adobo that uses both chicken meat and pork as the main ingredient. It is cooked in a pan or casserole, simmered with vinegar, soy sauce, crushed garlic, peppercorn, laurel leaf and the optional chili finger. (a.k.a. chicken and pork adobo)
*adobong pugo (a-do-bong pú-gô; Pampangueño dish) [n.] pickled quail. The meat of quail is stewed in vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic
*adobong pusit (a-do-bong pu-sìt; Tagalog dish) [n.] squid with vinegar, garlic, and pepper. (adobong nukos in Visayan)
*adobong hito (a-do-bong hí-tô; Tagalog dish) [n.] adobo using catfish as the meat ingredient
*adobong sugpo at talangka (a-do-bong súg-pô at ta-láng-kâ; Central Luzon) [n.] prawns in crab fat sauce
*adobong kamaru (a-do-bong ka-ma-rú; Pampangueño dish) [n.] adobo using locally abounding mole crickets as the meat ingredient.
*adobong aso (a-do-bong á-so; Tagalog dish) [n.] adobo using dog meat as the meat ingredient. Notably, there is a need to increase the measurement of using the needed spices to mask the smell of dog meat and to further enhance the flavor and taste. Despite the fact that killing or slaughtering dog is now illegal in the Philippines, there are still some who still sought and liked to have dog meat either as pulutan (food served while having a drinking session) or as pampainit sa sikmura (delicacy to make the body warmer). Dog meat is still being sought, and was even a part of the culture of those who are in the highlands of Benguet and other mountainous parts of Central Luzon where temperatures often drop low and cold. (a.k.a. azucarera)
*adobong pinatuyo (a-do-bong pi-na-tu-yô; Tagalog dish) [n.] dried adobo, a pickled pork or chicken meat that is simmered over a long while until all the soup has evaporated or soaked into the meat. (adobong pinaughan or inadobong pinauga in Visayan)
*adobong tuyo (a-do-bong tu-yô; Tagalog dish) [n.] the adobong pinatuyo
*adobong pinauga (a-do-bong pi-na-u-gá; Visayan dish) [n.] a dried adobo (adobong pinatuyo in Tagalog)
*adobong pinaughan (a-do-bong pi-na-úg-han; Visayan dish) [n.] a dried adobo (adobong pinatuyo in Tagalog)
*adobo pandesal (a-dó-bo pan-de-sàl) [n.] a pandesal bread sandwich stuffed with chicken or pork adobo flakes
*adobong kangkong (a-do-bong káng-kong; Tagalog dish) [n.] river spinach cooked in vinegar and soy sauce with garlic and pepper. (adobong tangkong in Visayan)
*adobong dilaw (a-do-bong di-láw; Tagalog dish) [n.] the yellowish adobong Batangas or adobong Laguna. The name dilaw is the Tagalog word for “yellow” and is the local name for turmeric (luyang dilaw) or the yellow ginger that is added as seasoning in cooking adobo dish, thereby making the adobo sauce (gravy) yellowish in color.
*adobong batong (a-do-bong bá-tong; Visayan dish) [n.] (same as adobong sitaw)
*adobong sitaw (a-do-bong sí-taw; Tagalog dish) [n.] pickled string beans, the strands of string bean are cut into about 2 inches long, sautéed with some spices and finely sliced meat or fish as sahog, then simmered in vinegar and soy sauce solution. (adobong batong in Cebuano)
*adobong tangkong (a-do-bong táng-kong; Visayan dish) [n.] (same as adobong kangkong)
*adobong kangkong (a-do-bong káng-kong; Tagalog dish) [n.] stalks of swamp cabbage, sometimes with its leaves, cooked in the mixture of vinegar and soy sauce with sautéed garlic and onion that enhance its flavor. A small quantity of sugar and a few pieces of peppercorn are also added to enhance the taste
*adobong sa manggang hilaw (a-do-bong mang-gang hi-láw; Tagalog dish) [n.] adobo cooked by mixing chopped meat, vinegar, soy sauce, spices and strips of green mango fruit. The meat is marinated in soy sauce, vinegar, and laurel leaf and peppercorn, the two essential spices in making adobo. The chopped garlic and sliced onions are sautéed before the marinade and half of the mango strips are added into the cooking pot. An amount of water is added enough to cover the marinated meat. After allowing the stuff to simmer and that the meat is already tender, the meat is removed and set aside. Reduce the sauce and then add some cornstarch to thicken the soup and then add the remaining half of the mango strips. Place the meat on the serving dish and pour the sauce over it. (a.k.a. adobo in green mango)
*adobo in green mango (a-dó-bo in grèn máng-go; Tagalog dish) [n.] (see adobong sa manggang hilaw)
*agachonas adobadas (a-ga-tsú-nas a-do-bá-das) [n.] snipes cooked into adobo. Snipes is a small long-billed game bird found inhabiting marshy areas, having barred and striped white, brown, and black plumage (common snipes sc.name Gallinago gallinago, [Capella])
*azucarera (a-su-ka-ré-ra) [n.] (same as adobong aso)
*chicken adobo (tsi-ken a-dó-bo) [n.] (same sa adobong manok)
*pork adobo (pork a-dó-bo) [n.] (same sa adobong baboy)
*lunyis (lún-yis; Ivatan dish) [n.] Ivatan pork adobo, its is the typical pork adobo in Batanes. Basically, the pork from a free-range native pig is simply cooked with salt with Ivatan’s cooking technique that renders the fat and gives the meat a mouth-watering reddish-brown color. Chewing this dish would surely give your jaw good exercise.
afritada – (a-pri-tá-da; Spanish origin) [n.] diced pork and chicken meat cooked in tomato sauce, with diced potatoes and lots of sliced or diced bell peppers (better if both the green and red ones for an added appeal), and the optional green peas as garnishment. To suit with the Filipino taste, add small amount of toyo (soy sauce) and a spoonful of brown sugar to adjust taste. There are at least three kinds of afritada in the Philippines: the apritadang manok, apritadang baboy, and apritadang baka. (also spelled as apritada)
*apritadang manok (a-pri-tá-dang ma-nòk) [n.] chicken afritada \stewed chicken in tomatoes (or tomato sauce), chunks of potatoes and carrots, sliced bell peppers. (a.k.a chicken afritada; Also spelled as afritadang manok)
*apritadang baboy (a-pri-tá-dang bá-boy) [n.] pork afritada \braised pork in tomato sauce with chunks of potatoes and carrots, sliced bell peppers. (a.k.a pork afritada;Also spelled as afritadang baboy)
*apritadang baka (a-pri-tá-dang bá-ka) [n.] beef afritada. An afritada that uses beef, such as beef ribs, as the main meat ingredient (a.k.a beef afritada; also spelled as afritadang baka)
agahan – (a-gá-han; Tagalog meal; dw Tag. aga [early]) [n.] breakfast (a.k.a. almusal in Tagalog; pamahaw in Cebuano, Boholano, and Waray)
agar – (a-gár) [n.] the substances extracted from red seaweed and is used in making gulaman
agar-agar – (a-gar á-gar) [n.] (same as agar)
agat – (a-gát; Maranao and Pangasinense spice\condiment) [n.] ginger (see also Tagalog luya) (a.k.a. layu pagirison in Maranao)
agbati – (ag-bá-ti; Visayan vegetable) [n.] (same as albati)
aglipay – (ag-lí-pay; Laguna pastry) [n.] (see under biskuwit)
agridulce – (ag-gri-dúl-se; dw Span. agridulce [sweet-and-sour]) [n.] another name for calamansi.
agridulce – (ag-gri-dúl-se; Spanish origin; dw Span. agridulce [sweet-and-sour]) [n.] the sweet-and-sour sauce, a concoction of souring agent, spices and sugar. Best choices for souring agent are vinegar and/or calamansi juice (Philippine round lime extract). Commonly used spices are julienned ginger, bell peppers, onion and garlic. For sweeteners, lots of sugar (refined white or brown sugar) or honey is used. (a.k.a. agriodulce)
agriodulce – (ag-gri-yo-dúl-se) [n.] (same as the agridulce)
agukoy – (a-gú-koy; Visayan crab) [n.] fiddler crab (sc.name: Thalassina anomala) in the north-eastern part of Mindanao, this small crabs are made into kinilaw
agumaa – (a-gu-má-a; Visayan fish) [n.] club mackerel, a kind of sea fish. (a.k.a. anduhaw in other Visayan places; hasahasa in Tagalog)
agus-os – (a-gùs-os; Visayan dish) [n.] minced meat mixed with sweet potato and red sauce. The sweet potatoes are steamed or boiled, then peeled and stuffed with red sauce made of pork lard seasoned with vinegar, salt, and some ketchup or tomato sauce. The stuff is then wrapped in corn husks, tied, hung, and then smoked.
ahos – (á-hos; Cebuano spice) [n.] garlic (see also panakot for other Cebuano spices) (bawang in Tagalog; lasona in Waray)
alabos na hipon – (a-la-bòs na hí-pon; Pampangueño dish) [n.] steamed shrimp
alagao – (a-la-gáw) [n.] (same as alagaw)
alagaw – (a-la-gáw) [n.] premma leaf (sc.name: Premma odorata), it is a plant with an aromatic leaves that can be used in warding off insects, while its fragrant young leaves can be cooked as a vegetable in Bulacan province. Also used as a medicinal remedy for urinary trouble. (a.k.a. sauko; also spelled as alagao)
alagbati – (a-lag-bá-ti; Visayan vegetable) [n.] (same as albati)
alak – (á-lak; Tagalog drink) [n.] wine \liquor \spirit (a.k.a. bino in Tagalog, Cebuano and Waray; minevaheng in Ivatan)
*anisado (a-ni-sá-do) [n.] anisette. an anise-flavored sugarcane wine
*basi (bá-si; Ilocano wine) [n.] native Ilocano wine made from sugar cane juice, particularly those produced in Central and Northern Luzon. The basing lalaki tastes dry, strong, and has high content of alcohol, while the basing babae tastes rather sweet and has lesser alcoholic content.
*bayah (ba-yá; Ifugao wine) [n.] Ifugao wine made from brewed rice and sugar cane extract
*bino (bí-no) [n.] the vino
*cerbeza (ser-bé-sa) [n.] beer \any effervescent alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented grain, especially malted barley flavored with hops. There are many kinds of beer depending on how the ingredients were roasted, the temperature and the length of time of fermentation process that caused the beer to vary its color, taste, and strength.
*kinutil (ki-nú-til; Visayan beverage blend) [n.] eggnog \In Visayas, the commonly used wine in making kinutil is tuba. Orange softdrink (soda) and fresh whole egg are added. The mixture is stirred well until frothy and served fresh as much as possible. It is prepared as a nutritious drink for somebody who is convalescing to help regain vigor.
*lambanog (lam-ba-nòg) [n.] coconut vodka
*laksoy (lák-soy) [n.] liquor distilled from the tuba (sap) of the newly sprouting bunch of fruit of nipa palm.
*palek (pa-lék) (Ivatan) [n.] Ivatan distilled sugarcane wine. The only locally produced firewater in Batanes islands that is made from sugarcane. This wine is produced by boiling the juice pressed from mature sugarcane and distilling it. This is then aged with yapo. The concoction is a medium-bodied wine that is red in color, pleasant and fruity in taste with a vinegar-tainted finish. It is marked commercially in Batanes as minervaheng, which means “wine”
*pangasi (pang-ga-sì;Mindanawanon wine) [n.] the rice wine produced in western Mindanao. (see tapuy, below)
*serbesa (ser-bé-sa) [n.] (same as cerveza)
*tapuy (ta-púy; Ilocano wine) [n.] the famous rice wine produced in the Cordillera, particularly in Benguet, Mt. Province, Apayao and Kalinga. Also called tapey or bayah in some parts of the Cordillera, the native brew is known in western Mindanao as pangasi. Tapuy does not last long and becomes sour after a few days. Cooked rice (preferably glutinous or waxy rice) is mixed with bubod and set aside for three days in a plastic vessel to undergo aerobic fermentation before being transferred to an earthen jar for further fermentation. It is best to leave the rice to ferment for 14 days. Another version of tapuy is called red rice wine that uses pigmented or colored rice in the production process. The pigments is responsible for the red color of the rice, called anthocyanins, and are good antioxidants. Anthocyanins found in red rice wine is comparable to those of the wines produced from blueberries and grapes.
*bino (bí-no) [n.] (same as vino)
*binuburan (bi-nu-bu-ran) [n.] tapuy (rice wine) made from glutinous rice and yeast
*tuba (tu-bà; Visayas, Mindanao, Quezon & Laguna native wine) [n.] coconut red wine (Visayas & Mindanao) \coconut wine (Quezon & Laguna) (see also in tuba)
*layaw (la-yaw; Cagayan wine or condiment) [n.] a nipa sap wine or vinegar, similar to laksoy and sukang nipa in northeastern Mindanao
*vino (bí-no; Spanish origin) [n.] wine (also spelled as bino)
*vino blanco (bí-no blán-co; Spanish origin) [n.] white wine \in culinary, ‘white wine’ is the term used to refer to a clear type of wine that is used as an ingredient in cooking, such as rice wine, anise wine, etc.
*vino tinto (bí-no tín-to; Spanish origin) [n.] red wine, any kind of table wine that is reddish or maroon in texture
alagbati – (a-làg-bá-ti; Visayan vegetable) [n.] the albati, a kind of vegetable
alamang – (a-la-máng; Tagalog crustacean) [n.] shrimp fry (sc.name: Acetes indicus). This is a white tiny shrimp that is often made into patis and bagoong alamang or paste shrimp (bagoong alamang)
alamid – (a-la-mìd; southren Luzon animal name, particularly in Tagalog) [n.] civet cat (sc.name: Paradoxurus philippinensis), a cat-like wild animal that feeds on delicately selected red coffee berries (see also in kape) (a.k.a musang in other places in southern Luzon; balos in Davao del Sur & South Cotabato; motit in Ilocano)
albati – (al-bá-ti; Visayan vegetable) [n.] Ceylon spinach \Philippine spinach \malabar nightshade (a.k.a agbati, alagbati in other Visayan towns. See utanon for other vegetables)
aletas de tiburon – (a-lé-tas de ti-bu-rón) [n.] the shark’s fin soup
alibangbang – (a-li-báng-bang) [n.] a species of tree (sc.name: Bauhinia malabarica) with a leaf that looks like a big wings of butterfly. The leaves is used as souring agent in some dishes such as sinigang. It can also be used as lining in cooking fish paksiw to prevent fishes from sticking to the pot and to each other.
alige – (a-li-gè) [n.] (same as aligue)
aligi – (a-li-gè) [n.] (same as aligue)
aligue – (a-li-gè) [n.] the red-orange fats sticking to the shells and from the ovary of pregnant female crabs and some species of shrimps (also spelled as aligi or alige)
alimango – (a-li-má-ngo) [n.] mud crab (sc.name: Scylla serrata), a species of crab identified as having large pincers and very hard shell with serrated edge alongside the front, with two protruding antenna-like eyes. There are three classifications of alimango: alimangong babae, alimangong lalaki, and alimangong bakla
*alimangong babae (a-li-má-ngong ba-bá-e) [n.] the female alimango, identified as having plenty of orange taba (fats) and orange-colored alegue (roe sticking on the shell and from the ovary of pregnant female crabs). People who are hypertensive or having high level of bad cholesterol are strongly advised not to eat this kind of alimango as its cholesterol-rich aligue could trigger a heart stroke. Go for the alimangong lalaki or alimangong bakla instead.
*alimangong lalaki (a-li-má-ngong la-lá-ke) [n.] the male alimango that has no aligue but has yellow taba (fats). It has a leaner meat compared to the alimangong babae.
*alimangong bakla (a-li-má-ngong bàk-lâ) [n.] like the alimangong lalaki, it has a lean meat but with few yellow fats. It is called bakla because like the female it has an aligue that is yellow (not orange) in color. Though alimangong bakla is the most lean, it is still advised to those who have symptoms or history of alta-presyon (hypertesion) and other heart ailments to be moderate in eating this type of alimango.
*alimango sa labong at saluyot (a-li-má-ngo sa la-bòng at sa-lú-yot) [n.] crabs with bamboo shoots and jute mallows
alimasag – (a-li-má-sag) [n.] blue crab. This is a large edible sea crab with bluish spotted hard shell and a webby flat fin at the tip of its hindmost legs that is used in swimming. (known Philippine species has the sc.names: Portunus pelagicus and Neptunus pelagicus)
*alimasag sa gata (a-li-má-sag sa ga-tà) [n.] crab in coconut cream. The crab is boiled in coconut milk with ginger and garlic until the crabs turned red. Add salt to taste. Afterwards, it is ready for serving and is best while still hot. Enhanced version has vegetables added to the dish, such as that cubes of squash and cutlets of string beans added when the crabs shell turns reddish. Then the dish is allowed to simmer for a while before slices of cabbage leaves are added. The dish is then removed from the fire after a minute of simmering.
*alimasag at langka sa gata (a-li-má-sag at lang-kà sa ga-tà; Bicolano dish) [n.] crab with jackfruit in coconut cream. This is prepared like that of alimasag sa gata. The chopped langka (unripe jackfruit) replaces the other vegetables.
alingo – (alí-ngo; Cordillera meat) [n.] the meat of the native black pig
almehas – (al-mé-has; Spanish origin; dw Span. almeja) [n.] the clams
almendras – (al-mén-dras; Spanish origin; dw Span. almendra) [n.] the almond fruit and its nut
almeres – (al-mi-rès; Spanish origin; dw Span. almirez) [n.] (same as almires)
almerez – (al-mi-rès; Spanish origin; dw Span. almirez) [n.] (same as almires)
almires – (al-mi-rès; Spanish origin; dw Span. almirez) [n.] the mortar and pestle used in pounding spices and some cooking ingredients It is carved from a piece of marble or hard wood, or cast in iron or hard plastic (also spelled as almirez or almerez)
almondigas – (al-mon-dí-gas) [n.] meatballs soup with mishua noodles. Cooking this dish starts by frying the meatballs then set aside. In a clean pan sauté garlic cloves and sliced onion, then add some water. Allow the water to boil, then add the mishua noodles and continue cooking for a short while, season with salt to taste then serve hot.
almusal – (al-mu-sál; Tagalog meal) [n.] breakfast (a.k.a. agahan or almusal in Tagalog; pamahaw in Cebuano, Boholano, and Waray)
alpahol – (al-pa-hól) [n.] chunks of sweet potato and slices of saba banana cooked in a thick syrup made of sugar melted in hot water, then mixed with coconut milk.
alpang – (ál-pang; Pampangueño dish) [n.] any naturally sour tasting fruits that are boiled then mashed with salt and sautéed with shrimps and pieces of pork
*alpang kamyas (al-pang kám-yas; Pampangueño) [n.] boiled kamyas fruits (bilimbi), mashed with salt then sautéed with shrimps and slices of pork.
*alpang mangga (al-pang mang-ga; Pampangueño) [n.] boiled green mango fruits, peeled then mashed with salt, and then sautéed with shrimp and slices of pork.
alpajor – (al-pa-hór; south Mindanao dish) [n.] roasted mixture of rice flour and sugar. Few amounts of water or milk is added and the mixture is kneaded into dough. The dough is then molded into balls or flat circles then steamed to cook.
alpajor – (al-pa-hór) [n.] is the name for ginataang bilo-bilo in Navotas and in Malabon, Metro Manila
altanghap – (al-táng-hap Tagalog) [n.] this Tagalog word is coined after combining the name of three major meals of the day: almusal, tanghalian, and hapunan (breakfast, lunch and dinner). It refers to the only food or meal available for the whole day that one has to take and consider it as breakfast, lunch and dinner, in one. One may choose to eat once in that day and consider it that he has already eaten his three meals, or divide the food and eat a share every meal time on that very same day.
alubaybay – (a-lu-báy-bay; Ilocano preserve/condiment) [n.] dark colored Ilocano fish paste
alugbati – (a-lug-bá-ti; Tagalog vegetable) [n.] Philippine spinach \Ceylon spinach \malabar nightshade. (see utanon for other vegetables)
alum – (á-lûm; Maguindanaoan tree and its leaves) [n.] a kind of tree with wide heart-shaped leaves that is used in wrapping tapay (Maguindanaon cooked rice)
alumahan – (a-lu-má-ha) [n.] Indian mackerel (sc.name: Restrelliger kanagurta) a kind of sea fish
alupi – (a-lu-pí; Negrense snack) [n.] corn or cassava cake wrapped in banana leaves.
alupihang dagat – (a-lu-pí-hang dá-gat; Tagalog fish) [n.] flatfish \soles. (a.k.a tampal in Tagalog)
am – (ám; Tagalog) [n.] the thick starchy soup of boiled rice. It is used as substitute for milk in weaning babies, served as starter food when introducing baby to solid food. Am can also be produced and collected in the process of cooking steamed rice (lawot in Cebuano; sanaw in Waray).
amahong – (a-má-hong; northern & northeastern Mindanao) [n.] (sc.name: Oryctes rhinoceros) horned coconut beetle, a delicacy to the Manobo tribe. (uwang in Tagalog)
amargoso– (a-mar-gó-so; Ilocano vegetable) [n.] bitter gourd (see also the Cebuano ampaliya)
amas – (a-más; Mindanawanon fruit) [n.] a variety of sweet tasting banana fruit that can be eaten fresh when ripe, also known by its name as the “gold finger”
ambang – (ám-bang; northern Mindanao seaweed) [n.] (see under guso)
ambalang – (am-bá-lang; Cantillan, Surigao del Sur seaweed) [n.] (same as ambang) (see under guso)
ambuhotan – (am-bu-hó-tan; Visayan sea mamal) [n.] sea cow, a kind of sea mammal \manatee. (dugong in Tagalog & Bicolano)
amhi – (ám-hi; Camarines Sur fruit) [n.] (same as lipote)
ampetang – (am-pe-táng; Pangasinense)) [adj.] hot \warm (mainit or init in Tagalog, Cebuano; paso or mapaso in Waray; napudot in Ilcano; mapali in Pampangueno (Capampangan); mayao in Maranao; mayaw in Maguindanaoan; mala in Subanon)
ampalaya – (am-pa-la-yá; Tagalog vegetable) [n.] bitter gourd (see also the Cebuano ampaliya)
ampalaya con carne – (am-pa-la-yá kon kár-ne; dw Tag. ampalaya + Span. carne) [n.] stir-fried bitter gourd and ground beef in black bean sauce. Small cutlets or strips of pork, previously sautéed, may be added as toppings Serve this dish with fried bagoong alamang as an additional topping or as a condiment on the side.
ampaliya – (am-pa-li-yà; Visayan vegetable) [n.] bitter gourd (sc.name: Momordica charantia [L.]), a kind of better tasting vegetable \bitter melon \balsam apple (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables) (paliya in Boholano; ampalaya in Tagalog; marigoso in Waray; amargoso in Ilocano)
paria (pa-ri-yá; Maranao vegetable) [n.] green tomatillo-shaped variety of bitter gourd. It is cooked basically the same way as in cooking regular ampalaya (bitter gourd).
ampao – (ám-paw) [n.] puffed rice \pop-rice. Home-made ampao is made of bahaw rice that is sun-dried and then fried to puff. Special or commercialized ampao is processed using a long-tubular steel with a cover designed like that of a pressurized cooker, installed with a safety device that would prevent the lid from catapulting as soon as it is opened under high pressure. The rice grain and small amount of cooking oil are put into this cooker, covered tightly and cooked under heated pressure on a stove. After several minutes of heating and shaking, the lid of the pressurized cooker is loosened at once and the rice would pop aloud as soon as the pressure is released. The sudden release of pressure makes the rice grain to pop and become puffy as it enlarges the size of each grain in a snap. The popped rice is then blended with melted sugar or caramel. The sugar-coated puffed rice is either shaped into ampao balls (the size of a tennis ball) in different colors using food coloring or molded into a big rectangular shapes and sliced into blocks or bite-size bars. In Carcar, Cebu and in Western Samar, a slice of rectangular ampao is topped with a whole piece of roasted peanut. (also spelled as ampaw)
ampaw – (ám-paw) [n.] (same as ampao)
anahaw – (a-ná-haw; Tagalog palm) *[n.] anahaw palm (sc.name: Livistona torundifolia), a palm tree with fan-like leaves that can be used as wrapper for tikoy in Quezon province. (bahi in Visayan)
anduhaw – (an-dú-haw; Visayan fish) [n.] Indian mackerel (sc.name: Rastrellliger sp.), a kind of sea fish \chub or striped mackerel. (agumaa in Cebuano)
angay – (a-ngay; Pampangueño spice) [n.] turmeric. (see dilaw)
anggo – (ang-gó; Tagalog smell) [n.] the peculiar smell of a fermenting milk that is about to curdle or that of an uncooked meat that is no longer fresh.
angkak – (ang-kàk; Chinese origin) [n.] Chinese tangerine food coloring, usually used as coloring in burong isda (fermented fish) \mandarin orange food coloring
angkal – (áng-kal; Visayan crustacean) [n.] tiny black shrimp, a kind of crustacean
angko – (áng-kô; Bicolano delicacy (Camarines Norte)) [n.] ball of galapong (rice dough) filled with chopped peanuts and panocha (raw sugar), its bottom is lined with banana leaf. It is cooked in a steamer, then packed by arranging a pile or stack of balls and rolled in cellophane wrapper. Special version of angko uses chopped pili nuts instead of peanuts.
anhoy – (án-hoy; Visayan) [n.] the smell of burnt food, particularly that of a cooked rice, due to overheating of cooking pot \burnt smell
anibong – (a-ni-bóng; Agusan del Sur) [n.] anibong palm (Phil. English) (sc.name: Oncosperma filamentosum), its core or pith is edible and is eaten raw (kinilaw) or as vegetable salad in Agusan del Sur of eastern Mindanao.
aniit – (aní-it; Romblon dish) [n.] stuffed crab with swamp cabbage and black beans. The crab meat is mixed with grated coconut and crab fat then sautéed in garlic, ginger, and lemongrass. The mixture in then stuffed in crab shell and served with steamed kangkong (swamp cabbage) seasoned with black beans. This is a seasonal dish in Romblon and is commonly served in the month of May when the mountain crabs are molting and are plenty to catch.
anisado – (a-nìs-sá-do) [adj.] anised \anis-flavored \with anise
anisado – (a-nìs-sá-do) [n.] anise-flavored sugarcane wine (see also alak)
anta – (an-tá; Tagalog smell and taste) [n.] the bad smell or taste of stale fats or oils \rancid (a.k.a. panis na lana in Tagalog; pan-os nga lana in Cebuano)
anunuhot – (a-nu-nú-hot; Bicolano larvae) [n.] larva \worm (uod in Tagalog; ulod in Cebuano; ud in Boholano; apihis in Hiligaynon (Ilonggo); oled in Maranao)
apa – (a-pá; Tagalog delicacy) [n.] thin wafer made of rice starch, such as the kiping in Quezon province
apa – (a-pá) [n.] wafer cone, the one used to hold a scoop of ice cream \ice cream cone
apa-apa – (a-pa á-pa; Rizal province’s delicacy) [n.] crispy thin fritter. Apa-apa is done by spreading evenly the battered fritter mixture on a pre-heated pan
apahap – (a-pá-hap) [n.] It is a local seabasss that has a white-colored fatty flesh. Known as barramundi in Australia. It is commonly cooked into escabeche, deep-fried and glazed with sweet and sour sauce. Seabass is one of the kinds of fish that has high level of mercury content. Dietitians and health experts advised to limit consumption of this fish to three times a month. Each serving weighs 180 grams or six ounces. (a.k.a. mangagat, matang pesa or pesang isda in Tagalog; bulgan in Ilonggo)
apang – (a-páng; southern Mindanao delicacy) [n.] pancake or hot cake prepared by Filipino Muslims in Mindanao, particularly in Sulu archipelago and Maguindanao. (a.k.a. apam)
apan-apan – (a-pàn á-pan; Ilonggo dish) [n.] tangkong (swamp cabbage) cooked in vinegar and shrimp paste.
apam – (a-pám; southern Mindanao delicacy) [n.] (same as apang)
apapangig – (a-pa-pá-ngig; Cebuano & Boholano) [n.] the jaw part of fish or animal (panga in Tagalog)
apdo – (ap-do) [n.] gall \bile
api – (a-pi; Pampangueño (Capampangan)) [n.] fire \flame (kalayo in Cebuano, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), Bicolano and Waray; kayo in Boholano; apoy in Tagalog, Ilocano & Pangasinense; kayayo in Surigaonon; apoi in Maranao; upoy in Maguindanao; ebbut in Yakan)
apihis – (a-pí-his; Hiligaynon (Ilonggo) larvae) [n.] larva, the worm that grows in decaying fruit or putrid meat (uod in Tagalog; ulod in Cebuano; ud in Boholano; oled in Maranao; anunuhot in Bicolano)
apla – (ap-lá; Cebuano taste) [adj.] (same as aplod)
aplod – (ap-lod; Cebuano taste) [adj.] acrid. Tastes bitter and harsh to taste an unripe banana and the sap of uncooked vegetables. (a.k.a maaplod, apla, or maapla in Cebuano; askad, maaskad or mapakla in Tagalog)
apog – (á-pog) [n.] lime \slaked lime \calcium oxide. Commonly used in fruit and vegetable preservation and in fermenting fruit wines to help prevent the wine from becoming sour. It is also used in farming to improve the soil condition as it helps reduce the acidity of the soil. Making apog is done by burning seashells or animal bones in very high temperature until it becomes very fine whitish lime powder. (Also spelled as apug)
apoi – (a-po-ì; Maranao) [n.] fire \flame (kalayo in Cebuano, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), Bicolano and Waray; kayo in Boholano; apoy in Tagalog, Ilocano & Pangasinense; kayayo in Surigaonon; api in Pampangueño (Capampangan); upoy in Maguindanao; ebbut in Yakan)
apoy – (a-póy; Tagalog, Ilocano & Pangasinense) [n.] fire \flame (kalayo in Cebuano, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), Bicolano and Waray; kayo in Boholano; kayayo in Surigaonon; api in Pampangueño (Capampangan); apoi in Maranao; upoy in Maguindanao; ebbut in Yakan)
apritada – (a-pri-tá-da) [n.] (same as afritada)
apug – (á-pug) [n.] (same as apog)
apulid – (a-pú-lid; Visayan vegetable) [n.] water chestnut, a kind of vegetable (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables)
apyo – (áp-yo; Visayan vegetable) [n.] celery, a kind of leafy vegetable (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables) (a.k.a. kintsay or seleriya in Cebuano;
araro – (a-rá-ro) [n.] (same as uraro)
ar-arosip – (ar-a-ró-sip; Ilocano seaweed) [n.] an edible seaweed (sc.name: Caulerpa racemosa) that looks like miniature green grapes that would pop and squirt when squeezed (see also in guso) (lato in Visayan and Tagalog)
araru – (a-rá-ru) [n.] (same as uraro)
arayu – (a-ra-yu; Ivatan fish) [n.] dolphin fish (not dolphin but dolphin fish) (see also isda) (dorado, kabayo or mahi-mahi in Tagalog)
arina – (a-rí-na; Tagalog; dw Span. harina [flour]) [n.] (same as harina)
arnibal – (ar-ni-bál; dw Span. almíbar) [n.] syrup \sugar syrup \a sugar solution wherein the sugar is dissolved in boiling water. Boiling continues until it becomes a sticky solution. Arnibal is often used for preserving fruits or as sweet spread
arroyo – (ar-ró-yo; Bicolano delicacy) [n.] The reason why this delicacy is called arroyo is that it is originally made of Arroyo rice, a variety of purple glutinous rice grown in Bicol. The rice is cooked in coconut cream with sugar. When cooked, a scoop of it is stuffed on a banana leaf, then rolled like the suman stick with both ends folded. Due to the scarcity of black rice, commercial production of arroyo now uses the commonly available glutinous white rice then colored it purple or violet with food coloring.
arroz – (a-rós; Spanish origin; dw Span. arroz [rice]) [n.] Spanish word for rice
arroz caldo – (ar-rós kal-do; Spanish origin; dw Span. arroz [rice] + caldo [soup]) [n.] boiled rice \rice soup \rice porridge (see also lugaw) (lugaw na bigas-palay in Tagalog; nilugaw bugas-humay in Cebuano)
*arroz caldong palaka – (ar-roz cal-dong pa-la-kâ; Nueva Ecija dish; dw Span. arroz + caldo + Tag palaka) [n.] freshwater edible frogs boiled with glutinous rice and kasubha (saffron).
*arroz con goto (ar-roz kòn gó-to; Tagalog dish; dw Span. arroz [rice] + Chin. goto [tripe]) [n.] rice porridge stewed with ox or cow tripe. (a.k.a. goto)
*arroz con camaron (ar-ròz kòn ka-ma-rón; dw Span. arroz [rice] + camaron [shrimp]) [n.] rice with shrimp
arroz ala Cubana – (ar-ròz a-la ku-bá-na; Spanish origin; dw Span. arroz [rice] + name of country: Cuba) [n.] molded cooked rice mixed with sautéed ground meat and topped with fried egg (sunny side up) and served with sidings of fried potatoes (fried slices or French-fried) or fried saba bananas.
*arroz de Calamba – (ar-ròz de ca-lám-ba; Calamba, Laguna dish; dw Span. arroz + town’s name: Calamba) [n.] Arroz ala Cubana dish but with strips of smoked fish
arroz con goto – (ar-ròz kòn gó-to; dw Span. arroz [rice] + Tag. goto) [n.] (see under arroz)
arroz Valenciana – (ar-ròz ba-len-si-yá-na; Spanish Origin; dw Span. arroz [rice] + name of place in Spain: Valencia) [n.] rice, chicken meat, pork and slices of vegetables cooked in tomato sauce and the optional saffron.
arwan – (ár-wan; southern Mindanao fish) [n.] mudfish, a kind of freshwater fish. (dalag in Tagalog; halwan in Cebuano)
*arwan nga tininda (ar-wan nga ti-nín-da; southern Mindanao dish) [n.] mudfish cooked in coconut milk with slices of ginger and onions.
aryawyaw – (ar-yaw-yaw; Ilocano fish) [n.] a kind of fish
asado – (a-sá-do; Tagalog dish; dw Span. asado [roasted]) [n.] oven roasted beef or pot-roasted beef (inasal nga karneng baka in Visayan)
asadong de karahay – (a-sá-dong de ka-ra-háy; Tagalog dish; dw Span. asado [roasted] +Tag. karahay [pan]) [n.] fried fowl boiled in soy sauce mixed with lime juice (or calamansi juice), and beer or cooking wine.
asadong dila – (a-sá-dong dí-lâ; Tagalog dish; dw Span. asado [roasted] +Tag. dila [tongue]) [n.] an asado with cow`s tongue as the main ingredient, then cooked in sauce.
askad – (ap-lod; Tagalog taste) [adj.] (same as maaskad)
asim – (á-sim; Tagalog taste) 1. [adj.] sour, same as maasim; 2. [n.] sourness
asin – (a-sìn) [n.] salt \sodium chloride (chem. abbrev.: NaCl).
*tultul (Ilonggo condiment) [n.] homemade rock salt \slab of homemade rock salt. The salt is made with ashes of burned floatsome gathered from the shore and that is poured with seawater then strained and mixed with a small amount of coconut cream then boiled for a day in a vat until it produces a hardened rock salt.
*rock salt = (n.) The most commonly used salt in cooking and curing meat or fish is the that is coarse and grainy tiny crystals
*seasalt = (n.) (same as rock salt)
*iodized salt = (n.) is a processed fine grain of white salt with a small amount of sodium iodide or potassium iodide added to it, and is commonly served as table salt in a dispenser. The nutritional value of iodized salt is good for the treatment of thyroid function, prevents goiter, and helps enhance mental development on children.
aslam – (as-lam; Pampangueño condiment) [n.] vinegar, in general (see also suka)
aslom – (as-lom; Visayan term) 1. [adj.] sour \sour-tasting (maasim in Tagalog); 2. [n.] sourness (asim, kaasiman in Tagalog)
aso – (á-so) [n.] dog
aso – (a-sò) [n.] smoke
asosena – (a-su-sé-na; dw Tag. aso) [n.] (same as azucena)
asparagos – (as-pa-ra-gòs) [n.] asparagus, a kind of vegetable \asparagus bean (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables)
asukal – (a-sú-kal; dw Span. azúcar [sugar]) [n.] sugar \glucose \lactose (a.k.a. asukar in Visayan)
*kinugay (ki-nú-gay; Cebuano) [n.] dark brown raw sugar \red sugar (same as muscuvado) (See more about asukal in the comments, below this page)
*kamay (ká-may; Cebuano) [n.] dark brown raw sugar \red sugar (same as muscuvado)
*pulang asukal (pu-làng a-sú-kal; Visayas) [n.] red sugar. (same as muscuvado)
*asukal nga pula (a-sú-kal nga pu-lá; Cebuano) [n.] red sugar. (same as muscuvado)
*muskobado [n.] (same as muscovado)
*maskubado [n.] (same as muscovado)
*muscovado (mus-ko-bá-do) [n.] muscovado \dark brown raw sugar \red sugar. It is the very dark brown or brownish-red raw sugar that is produced after much of the molasses has been extracted from the juice of the sugar cane. The granules are likened to a lump of loam soil that would stick sometimes as there still some molasses left in this raw sugar. (kinugay or kamay in Visayan; asukal na pula or pulang asukal in Tagalog)
*sentral (sen-trál; Visayan) [n.] brown sugar, a more processed sugar from the molasses of sugarcane extract that is already taking the form of crystallized brownish granules. The brown color is due to retained brown coating of thin dark syrup.
*asukal nga puti (a-su-kal nga pu-tì; Visayan) [n.] white sugar \refined sugar. The well processed sugar from sugarcane extract. It is so refined that it is taking the form of white crystals of sugar. (puting asukal in Tagalog)
*putting asukal (pu-tìng a-sú-kal; Tagalog) [n.] white sugar \refined sugar (same as asukal nga puti)(asukal nga puti in Visayan)
*asukal nga remolatsa (a-su-kal nga re-mo-lát-sa; Visayas) [n.] beet sugar
*panocha [n.] a mold of raw sugar (also spelled as panutsa in Tagalog)
*panutsa [n.] (same as panocha)
*caramelo (ka-ra-me-lo; dw Span. caramelo [candy]) [n.] caramel candy \sugar cake. A sweetener in the form of candy. It is made from sugar and egg whites, cooked and set to harden, then cut into pieces, usually in squares. (a.k.a. asukarilyo in Tagalog; also spelled as karamelo)
asukarilyo – (a-su-ka-ríl-yo; dw Span. azúcar [sugar]) [n.] (same as caramel) (see under asukal)
atay – (a-táy) [n.] the liver of slaughtered animals
atole – (a-tó-le; Sta. Rosa, Laguna) [n.] a corn based delicacy that originated in the town of Sta. Rosa, Laguna
atey – (a-téy; Yakan meat part) [n.] heart. In Philippine cooking, it refers to the heart of slaughtered animals, used as ingredient like meat in cooking. (puso in Tagalog, Ilocano, Bicolano, Pangasinense, and Maranao; kasing-kasing in Cebuano, Boholano, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), and Waray; pusu in Pampangueño (Capampangan); puso or pusung in Maguindanaoan)
atsal – (at-sal; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] red or green big pepper that is not hot to taste, as in bell pepper \capsicum (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables). (hulagtob in Waray)
atsara – (at-tsá-ra; dw India achar) [n.] pickled fruits or vegetable usually shredded into strands or julienned into thin strips then soaked either in sweet and sour vinegar or in a sweetish brine solution. Both solutions are seasoned with spices such as ginger, bell peppers and garlic. The most common atsara is made of long strands of grated unripe or green papaya fruit garnished with thin slices of carrots (sometimes shaped as flowers, snow flakes and other decorative shapes), bell peppers and raisins. Other version has thinly sliced ampalaya (bitter gourd) and singkamas (turnip). Other vegetables suitable for pickling are turnip, pipino (cucumber), native sibuyas (onion), labanos (giant white radish), bawang (garlic), ampalaya (bitter gourd), talong (eggplant), atsal (bell pepper), even kangkong (swamp cabbage) and pako (fiddlehead fern), as well as carrots. Atsara is served as side dish. Making atsara is the best way to preserve bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables which could otherwise spoil. The common blunder in making atsara is boiling the vegetable or fruit instead of simply blanching them in the pickling syrup. For veggies that need to be blanched before bottling, dip the vegetables no more than 10 seconds in boiling salted water, then immerse immediately in ice cold water to retain color and crunchiness. This applies to ampalaya, kangkong, pako, bawang, talong and carrot. To obtain the maximum absorption of the pickling syrup, drain the cut vegetables or squeeze them dry after the ice cold water bath. (also spelled as achara)
atsuete – (at-tsu-we-te; dw Mex. achuete [annatto]) [n.] (same as atsuwete)
atsuwete – (at-tsu-we-te; dw Mex. achuete [annatto]) [n.] annatto (sc.name: Biva orellana), its dark-red seed produces edible red color when soaked in water or tossed in hot oil. The colored water or oil is used in coloring food red. A finely ground seeds can be mixed directly to the food while in the cooking process. (Also spelled as achuete or atsuete)
*atsuwete oil (at-tsu-we-te o-wel) [n.] cooking oil tinted with pounded annatto seeds. This is used in basting meat while being barbecued to give the meat’s surface a reddish-orange color when cooked.
ayungin – (a-yu-ngin; Laguna Lake fish) [n.] silver perch (sc.name: Therapon plumbeus), a kind of freshwater fish that is now getting scarce and harder to catch in the waters of Laguna de Bay. It used to comprise almost three-fourths of the fish population in Laguna. Locals catch this and make it into tuyo (dried fish), pangat (fish in sour broth) or paksiw na isda (fish boiled in vinegar). Its taste and flavor is comparable to that of its cousin danggit (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
azucarera – (a-su-ka-ré-ra; dw Tag aso) [n.] (same as adobong aso) (see under adobo)
azucena – (a-zu-cé-na; dw Tag aso) [n.] dog meat cooked in red sauce and spices. Despite the fact that killing or slaughtering dog is now illegal in the Philippines, there are still some who still sought and like to have dog meat either as pulutan (food served while having a drinking session) or as a delicacy to make the body warmer. Dog meat is still being sought, and was even a part of the culture of those who are in the highlands of Benguet and other mountainous parts of Central Luzon where temperatures often drops low and cold. (Also spelled as asosena)
Written by Edgie Polistico. (Copyright 2008-2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). Posted here is the 4th Update (2010). Latest copy is now a book published by ANVIL Publishing (2016), which is ten times more updated with 10,000 more entries than what is posted here. The book was chosen among "World Best Culinary Books" in the international 22nd Gourmand Book Awards. The book also won Best Book On Food in the 36th National Book Awards (2017), and lately, it won the 39th Gintong Aklat Awards (2018). (Click right column banners to get your copies or CLICK HERE NOW.)
Written by Edgie Polistico. (Copyright 2008-2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). Posted here is the 4th Update (2010). Latest copy is now a book published by ANVIL Publishing (2016), which is ten times more updated with 10,000 more entries than what is posted here. The book was chosen among "World Best Culinary Books" in the international 22nd Gourmand Book Awards. The book also won Best Book On Food in the 36th National Book Awards (2017), and lately, it won the 39th Gintong Aklat Awards (2018). (Click right column banners to get your copies or CLICK HERE NOW.)
basically, adobo is pickled by simmering the meat or vegetable in a simple solution or mixture of toyo (soy sauce), suka (vinegar) and bawang (garlic). From basic adobo version of simmering the meat or vegetable in a simple solution or mixture of toyo (soy sauce), suka (vinegar) and bawang (garlic), adobo has already evolved hundred times. The enhanced versions have added more ingredients and seasonings, such as onions for sweetish spicy flavor, brown sugar or muscuvado for enhanced taste, basil leaves for mint aromatic flavor; curry powder and anise for distinct Asian aromatic flavor; salted black beans as seasoning; achuete (anatto seed), dilaw (yellow ginger) or galangal (blue guinger) are used to color the adobo with added distinct aroma and flavor. Likewise, butter or margarine is now used to smooth flavor and to prevent meat from sticking with added delectable dairy smell as bonus; gata (coconut cream/milk) can give adobo a whiter opaque shade of color and creamy flavor; even dried mushrooms, pandan leaves, cinnamon stick, pasas (raisins), saba banana (plantain), banana buds, potato, pineapple, and several other cooking fruits and oriental spices are now being used to create new variety of adobo taste and flavor.
ReplyDelete*adobo = (n.) Adobo is one of famous Pinoy food that in Silay City, Negros Occidental, an Adobo Festival is held every November at the Balay Negrense since 1997. Pinoy adobo is a dish of Mexican influence, while some historians and food researchers contended that adobo is just Spanish in name. It was named adobo when the Spaniard Mexicans arrived in the Philippine archipelago and saw that the dish is already being cooked by the natives which they recognized as similar to the Spanish or Mexican adobado. Thus they called the native dish as adobo de los naturales and became an entry in the 1963 dictionary of Pedro de San Buenaventura. Some food critics say that Pinoy adobo is more of being a Pinoy style of cooking than of being a dish. At present, it is an overwhelming fact that adobo, as a cooking method, now has hundreds ways of preparation and style of cooking. It also has countless and endless choices of ingredients, seasonings, flavorings, color, aroma, constitution, taste, garnishment and style of presentation, and how it is eaten. Adobo cooking and adobo dishes continually evolves, occurring not only in the country but also abroad.
DeleteBasically, an adobo dish refers to sliced meat stewed in a mixed solution of vinegar and soy sauce. The simplest form of adobo is one that is cooked in vinegar and soy sauce solution and the 3 basic spices: garlic, laurel leaf, and peppercorn. Little amount of salt may be added to suit taste. However, there are some places in the country where bay leaf or peppercorn is not used in cooking adobo for some reasons, one of which is that they are not available, such as in far flung places in the mountain or far away islands. Soy sauce is an important seasoning in making adobo and it was the migrating Chinese and Japanese settlers who taught Filipinos to use it in cooking. Without soy sauce (or its salty substitute), the dish is not a full pledge Pinoy adobo, but rather an adobado, an enhanced version of paksiw, which later on considered by some cooks as white adobo due to its lack of dark coloring. Several substitutes for dark-colored toyo (soy sauce) are mentioned near the end of this entry. The most common and typical Pinoy adobo recipes use sliced meat, mainly that of pork or chicken, or combined to become CPA (chicken pork adobo), though meatless adobo was also invented using tokwa or tofu (bean curd) as meat substitute. The slices of meat are soaked (marinated) in suka (vinegar), toyo (soy sauce), and spices consist basically of bawang (garlic), pamienta dahon (laurel leaf) and pamienta buto (peppercorn - whole, cracked or ground). All the ingredients are combined and the prepared meat is marinated in it for a while before it is stewed to cook. One important reminder in cooking adobo is not to keep on stirring adobo while cooking to avoid the amoy hilaw na suka (smelly vinegar) effect in the dish.
DeleteThrough the years, countless versions in cooking adobo came into existence. There is a style of cooking adobo that skipped the process of marinating. The ingredients are added instantly one by one in the pot or pan. Meat of other animals, including the exotic ones, are also cooked adobo style, as in adobong aso (dog meat adobo), adobong paniki (bat adobo), adobong palaka (frog adobo), adobong usa (deer adobo), etc.. Seafood, other than the usual fish, can also be cooked adobo-style, as in adobong pusit (squid adobo), adobong pagi (ray adobo), adobong tahong (green mussel adobo), etc.. Notably, most kinds of adobo served on the table in southern Luzon, Visayas and in Mindanao are not dry. Its delectable gravy-filled soup is irresistibly good in topping plain steamed or boiled rice, cooked corn meal, or as spread on bread (or the other way, wipe or dip the bread on it). The adobo of Ilocanos in northern Luzon are typically almost dry and uses liberal amount of vinegar, purposely to preserve the dish longer. To make adobong tuyo or adobong pinatuyo (dried adobo), the adobo dish is simmered long till all the soup has evaporated or soaked into the meat. If lean meat is used, cooking oil is added in the cooking process to avoid the dish from sticking to the bottom of the pan or cooking pot, as burnt meat is the usual problem when all the soup has gone dry.
DeleteAside from adding oil, it would also help to line the bottom of the pot with sheets of banana leaf to prevent meat from sticking to the pot. Mango or guava leaves can also be used for the same purpose. Besides, these leaves will also add distinct delectable aroma to adobo. Cutlets of sitaw (string beans) and some leafy vegetables can also be cooked into adobo, such as talbos (tops) of sweet potato and kangkong (swamp cabbage). In Visayas, sugar (preferably brown sugar) is more often added on the marinating sauce to enhance the taste. The sweetness of sugar will mask the sourness of the vinegar and make adobo more delectable. From basic adobo of boiling or simmering the meat or vegetable in a simple mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic, the style of cooking adobo has evolved several hundred times now.
DeleteThere is an instance that adobo is enhanced by using less ingredients, as in the case of white adobo or what used to be the adobado cooked without soy sauce. In most cases, enhancing an adobo dish is done by adding more ingredients and seasonings or replacing one of the ingredients with another. White onions are used for its sweetish spicy flavor, brown sugar or raw red sugar (muscovado) for sweetness in taste, basil leaves or mint for aromatic minty flavor; curry powder and anise for distinct Asian aromatic flavor; salted black beans as flavorful seasoning; achuete (annatto seed), dilaw (yellow ginger) or galangal (blue ginger) are used to color the adobo with added distinct aroma and flavor. Gata (coconut cream or coconut milk) can give adobo a whiter opaque shade of color and creamy taste enough to qualify it as another variation of adobo called adobong puti, other than the adobong puti that does not use any colored or coloring ingredient; Butter or margarine is used by some cook to smoothen the flavor and to prevent meat from sticking with added delectable dairy smell as bonus. Dried mushrooms and other edible fungi are sometimes added in the ingredients, as well as tokwa (soybean curd) or gluten as extender for the meat. Pandan leaves (screwpine), cinnamon stick, pasas (raisins), saba banana (Philippine plantain), banana buds, potato, pineapple, and several other cooking fruits and oriental spices are now used to innovate or create new variety of adobo taste, aroma and appearance.
DeleteAmong the recent innovations in cooking adobo is to add soda water or soda pop (or what we called soft drink) in the marinade or as substitute to water in stewing. To thicken the sauce and enrich flavor, adding mashed sautéed chicken liver can do the fix, a technique already used in cooking caldereta. If duck’s liver is used, it would turn adobo a gourmet dish (an adobo with foie gras). If it is the intention to avoid the black color of traditional soy sauce, as if cooking adobong puti, an uncolored salted extract of soya beans, mashed tahure (fermented salted soybean curd), heko (sauce of fermented salted tiny shrimps), oyster sauce, or patis (fish sauce) can be used as substitute to the black-colored soy sauce. For most Pinoys, reheating adobo the day after would make the dish even more delectable. The more it is reheated, the better it becomes. If there are more adobo meat leftovers, the meat could be stretched or rent into strips then deep-fried to become crispy flakes and eaten as is or used as garnishing in noodles or vegetable dishes. Even nuts and snacks are now cooked adobo-style or at least flavored with the conventional adobo ingredients. Thus, we have now adobong mani (roasted or pan-fried peanuts cooked adobo-style), adobong itlog (hard-boiled egg cooked adobo-style), kornik adobo (corn kernels cooked adobo-style then deep fried), adobo-flavored tsetseriyas (junk food snacks), adobo-flavored instant noodles, and other adobo-flavored delicacies
Deletethank you very much for being so generous in posting your dictionary for free. it's very helpful.
ReplyDeleteThere are several kinds of sugar in the Philippines, some are similar but called by other names in different places across the country. Some differ in color and/or its granular appearance, composition, and source, such as that:
ReplyDeleteasukal – (a.k.a. asukar in Cebuano, Ilocano, Bicolano, & Waray; kalamay in Ilongo & Ibanag; mayumu in Capampangan & Pangasinense, asukar or kayamay in Aklanon; gula in Maranao; mamis in Maguindanaon; gola or mamis in Ta’u-sug; meh or asukar in Tiruray) [n.] sugar \glucose \lactose
*arnibal [n.] syrup \sugar syrup \a sugar solution wherein the sugar is dissolved in boiling water. Boiling continues until it becomes a sticky solution. Arnibal is often used for preserving fruits or as sweet spread
*asukal nga pula [n.] red sugar, same as Ilongo maskabado
*asukal nga puti (puting asukal in Tagalog) [n.] white sugar \refined sugar. The well processed sugar from sugarcane extract. It is so refined that it is taking the form of white crystals of sugar
*asukal nga remolatsa [n.] beet sugar
*caramelo (a.k.a. asukarilyo in Tagalog; also spelled as karamelo) [n.] caramel candy \sugar cake. A sweetener in the form of candy. It is made from sugar and egg whites, cooked and set to harden, then cut into pieces, usually in squares
*coco sugar [n.] sugar made from freshly gathered tuba (coconut sap) that is immediately cooked and compressed before it turns six-hours old. After all the liquid of the coconut sap has evaporated, what is left is the coconut sugar that looks like muscovado or kinugay (unrefined raw cane sugar)
*kamay [n.] dark brown raw sugar, same as Ilongo maskabado
*kinugay [n.] dark brown raw sugar, same as Ilongo maskabado
*maskabado (kinugay or kamay in Cebuano & Boholano; asukal na pula or pulang asukal in Tagalog) [n.] muscovado \dark brown raw sugar \red sugar; It is the very dark brown or brownish-red raw or unrefined sugar that is produced after much of the molasses has been extracted from the juice of the sugar cane. The granules are likened to a lump of loam soil that would stick sometimes as there still some molasses left in this raw sugar
*maskobado [n.] muscovado, same as Ilongo maskabado
*muscovado [n.] muscovado, same as Ilongo maskabado
*muskobado [n.] muscovado, same as Ilongo maskabado
*panocha (a.k.a. sinakob or sangkaka, in Tagalog; tagapulot in Ilocano (Cagayan Valley); also spelled as panucha in Tagalog)
[n.] a mold of raw sugar \molded raw sugar (see also main entry of Tagalog panocha)
*panutsa [n.] same as panocha
*pulang asukal [n.] red sugar, same as muscuvado)
*puting asukal (asukal nga puti in Cebuano & Boholano) [n.] white sugar \refined sugar, same as Cebuano asukal nga puti
*sentral [n.] brown sugar, a more processed sugar from the molasses of sugarcane extract that is already taking the form of crystallized brownish granules. The brown color is due to retained brown coating of thin dark syrup
When asked on what day would you like to cook your favorite dish or would like to go out and have a dinner date, and then you like to answer it in local dialect, the following might help you:
ReplyDeletearaw – (á-raw; Tagalog) (adlaw in Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, & Ilonggo; aldaw in Bicolano & Ilocano; agew in Pangasinense; aldo in Capampangan; gawii in Maranao; su guey in Maguindanaon) [n.] day
*Linggo (ling-gó; Tagalog day) (Domingo in Cebuano, Boholano, Ilonggo, Ilocano, & Capampangan; Dominggo in Bicolano & Waray; Simba in Pangasinense; Akad in Maranao; Acad in Maguindanaon; Ahad in Yakan) [n.] Sunday
*Lunes (lú-nes; Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Bicolano, Capampangan, and Ilocano day; dw Span.. lunes [Monday]) (Lunis in Pangasinense; Isnin in Maranao, Maguindanaon, & Yakan) [n.] Monday
*Martes (mar-tés; Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Ilonggo, Capampangan, Bicolano, and Ilocano day; dw Span. martes [Tuesday]) (Martis in Pangasinense; Salasa in Maranao & Maguindanaon) [n.] Tuesday
*Miyerkules (mi-yér-ku-lés; Tagalog, Capampangan, and Waray day; dw Span. miércoles [Wednesday]) (Miyerkoles or Merkules in Cebuano & Boholano; Mierkoles or Miyerkoles in Bicolano; Miercoles or Miyerkoles in Ilonggo & Ilocano; Mierkulis in Pangasinense; Arbaa in Maranao; Arba in Maguindanaon) [n.] Wednesday
*Huwebes (hu-we-bes; Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Bicolano, and Capampangan, and Ilocano day; dw Span. jueves [Thursday]) (a.k.a. Hwebes in Cebuano; a.k.a. Huybes in Boholano; Huebes in Ilonggo; also spelled as Huebes in Bicolano and Capampangan; also spelled as Juebes in Ilocano; Huibis in Pangasinense; Kamis in Maranao; Kammis in Maguindanaon) [n.] Thursday
*Biyernes (bi-yer-nes; Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, and Waray day; dw Span. viernes [Friday]) (a.k.a. Bernes in Cebuano & Boholano; Biernes in Ilonggo, Capampangan, & Bicolano; Biernes or Viernes in Ilocano; Biernis in Pangasinense; Diyamaat in Maranao; Guiamat in Maguindanaon) [n.] Friday
*Sabado (sá-ba-do, sa-ba-dó; Tagalog, Capampangan, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Ilonggo, Bicolano, Ilocano, and Pangasinense day; dw Span. sábado [Saturday]) (Sapeto in Maranao; Saptu in Maguindanaon) [n.] Saturday
Thank you for sharing this very informative content. Hope you could visit Ka tunyings, they serve delicious filipino food 🙂
ReplyDeletealak – /á-lak/ (Tagalog, Ilonggo, Bicolano, Capampangan, Pangasinense, and Yakan alcohol /spirit) (a.k.a. bino in Tagalog; ilimnon or bino in Cebuano and Boholano; irimnun or bino in Waray; a.k.a. alac or alambai in Capampangan; arak in Ilocano; arak or pakabereg in Maranao; paginumin a pakalangol in Maguindanaon; mineovaheng in Ivatan) [n.] wine, in general \alcoholic drink \liquor \spirit.
*agkud /ag-kud/ (Manobo wine) [n.] rice wine
*agum /a-gum/ (Capampangan) [v.] to mix or compound wine with oil or with other wine and flavorings.
*alac /á-lak/ (Capampangan wine) [n.] wine, in general, same as Tagalog alak.
*alac sampaga /a-lak sam-pa-ga/ (Capampangan sap) [n.] nipa palm toddy
*anisado /a-ni-sá-do/ (Tagalog wine) [n.] anisette
*bahal /ba-hál/ (Cebuano, Boholano, and Waray wine) [n.] a coconut wine fermented in just few days
*bahalina /ba-ha-lí-na/ (Cebuano, Boholano, and Waray wine) [n.] coconut wine fermented over a long period of time
*barikulkul /ba-ri-kúl-kul/ (Bicolano [Camarines Norte] wine) [n.] nipa palm wine
*basi /bá-si/ (Ilocano wine) [n.] sugarcane wine
*basing lalaki /ba-sing la-la-ki/ (Ifugao wine) [n.] basi that tastes dry, potently strong, and has higher content of alcohol
*basing babae /ba-sing ba-ba-e/ (Ifugao wine) [n.] basi that tastes rather sweet and has lesser alcoholic content.
*bayah /ba-yá/ (Ilocano and Ifugao [Cordilleran] wine) [n.] another name for Ilocano and Ifugao tapuy. Ifugao rice wine.
*beergin /ber-dyin/ (Tagalog and Cebuano mixed drink) (also spelled as bergin in Tagalog) [n.] beer with gin; A cocktail of beer and gin.
*beergin coke /bir-gin kok/ (Tagalog drink) (also spelled as virgin coke in Tagalog) [n.] a drink of combined beer, gin and Coke.
*bergin /ber-dyin/ (Tagalog and Cebuano mixed drink) [n.] variant of beergin.
*bino /bí-no/ (Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, and Ilonggo wine; dw Span. vino [wine]) [n.] wine, in general.
*bino tínto /bi-no tín-to/ (Ilonggo; dw Span. bino [wine] + tinto [red colored wine]) (a.k.a. tinto in Ilonggo) [n.] red wine.
*binubudan /bi-nu-bu-dán/ (Ilocano fermentation agent /wine; dw Iloc. bubud [local yeast]) (a.k.a. binuburan in Ilocano) [n.] yeast rice wine, made with glutinous rice and yeast called bubod.
*binuburan /bi-nu-bu-ran/ (Ilocano wine) [n.] same as Ilocano bibudan.
*camote wine /ka-mo-te wáyn/ (Tarlaqueño [Moncada, Tarlac] wine) [n.] sweet potato wine
*camias jigger /kam-yas dyig-ger/ (Capizeño wine) [n.] a fermented and aged extracted juice of kamias.
*cerbeza /ser-be-sa/ (Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Ilonggo, and Bicolano beverage; dw Spanish. cervesa [beer]) [n.] beer.
*chili beer /tsi-li bér/ (Tagalog alcoholic beverage) [n.] a chili-flavored craft beer.
*Gigaquit rum /gi-ga-kit rám/ (Surigaonon [Surigao del Norte] wine; dw name of town: Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte) (a.k.a. nipa rum in Surigaonon; nipa rum in Tagalog) [n.] nipa rum \nipa wine
*hinebra /hi-néb-ra/ (Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Ilonggo, Ilocano, Capampagan, Pangasinense, and Ilocano liquor; dw Span. ginebra [gin]) [n.] gin.
*kinutil /ki-nú-til/ (Cebuano, Boholano, and Waray beverage blend) [n.] eggnog; Tuba wine is mixed with orange-flavored softdrink (soda drink) and fresh egg, sikwate (hot cacao chocolate drink), evaporated milk, and sugar.
*laksoy /lák-soy/ (Surigaonon and Agusanon [northeast Mindanao] wine) [n.] nipa palm arrack;
*lambanog /lam-ba-nóg/ (Tagalog [Lagueño] and Quezonian wine /alcohol) (lambanug in Capampangan) [n.] coconut arrack
*clear and transparent - peppermint flavored.
*yellowish - orange flavored.
*golden - pasas (raisins) and/or langka (jackfruit) flavored
*pinkish - strawberry flavored.
*light green - apple flavored.
*light green - margarita mix.
*light blue - bubble gum flavored.
*indigo or violet - grapes flavored.
*lambanug /lam-ba-núg/ (Capampangan wine) [n.] coconut arrack.
*layaw /la-yáw/ (Ilocano [Cagayano] wine) [n.] a nipa sap that is considered as wine when newly gathered.
ReplyDelete*lomboy wine /lóm-boy wayn/ (Negrense [Negros oriental] wine) [n.] Java plum wine.
*mango wine /mang-go wáyn/ (Tagalog and Sambali [Zambales] wine; dw Eng. mango + wine) [n.] a table wine made with fermented ripe mango fruits.
*mineovaheng /mi-ni-yo-va-hang/ (Ivatan wine) (a.k.a. palek in Ivatan; alak in Tagalog) [n.] wine of Ivatans.
*nipa /ní-pa/ (Ilocano liqour) [n.] nipa palm liquor \distilled nipa wine.
*nipa rum /ni-pa rám/ (Tagalog wine; dw Tag. nipa + Eng. rum) (a.k.a. tanduay in Tagalog; Gigaquit rum in Surigaonon [Surigao del Norte]; laksoy in Agusanon [northeast Mindanao]; barikulkul in Bicolano [Camarines Norte]; nipa in Ilocano) [n.] wine produced from distilled nipa palm toddy.
*palek /pa-lék/ (Ivatan wine) [n.] distilled sugarcane wine.
*pangasi /pan-nga-si, pang-ga-sì/ (Mindanawanon [western Mindanao] wine) [n.] rice wine.
*pialakan /pi-ya-la-kan/ (Capampangan) (a.k.a. latak in Capampangan) [n.] lees of wine.
*serbesa /ser-be-sa/ (Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Ilocano, Ilonggo, Bicolano, Waray, Capampangan, and Pangasinense beverage; dw Spanish. cervesa [beer]) (also spelled as cerbeza in Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Ilonggo, and Bicolano; tirbisa in Maranao; makalangot na pag-inomin in Maguindanaon; bir or bira in Tausug) [n.] beer.
*serbesa negra /ser-be-sa neg-ra/ (Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Ilocano, Ilonggo, Bicolano, Waray, Capampangan, and Pangasinense beverage; dw Spanish. cervesa [beer] + negra [black]) [n.] black beer; A very dark colored beer.
*siok tong /shyok-tong/ (Tagalog and Cebuano wine; dw brand name of Chinese wine: siok tong < Chin. Hokkien si hok ton [4 luck factory]) (also spelled as siyoktong in Tagalog) [n.] Chinese medicinal rice wine.
*siyoktong /shyok-tong/ (Tagalog wine; dw brand name of Chinese wine: siok tong < Chin. Hokkien si hok ton [4 luck factory]) [n.] same as Cebuano siok tong.
*strawberry wine /es-tro-be-re wayn/ (Benguet wine) [n.] wine from fermented juice of ripe strawberry fruits.
*tanduay /tan-du-wáy/ (Tagalog liquor; dw wine brand name: Tanduay rhum) [n.] a kind of distilled nipa palm wine, so called because its consistency has a golden amber color resembling that of “Tanduay Rum” of La Todeña Distillery.
*tapey /ta-péy/ (Igorot [Cordilleran] wine) [n.] native rice wine, similar to the Ilocano tapuy.
*tapuy /ta-púy/ (Ilocano and Igorot wine) (a.k.a. tapey or bayah in other parts of Cordillera; pangasi in western Mindanao) [n.] the famous rice wine produced in the Cordillera region.
*tinto /tín-to/ (Tagalog, Chavacano, and longgo,; dw Span. tinto [red wine]) [n.] red wine, same as bino tinto.
*tuba /tu-bà/ (Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Mindanao, Quezon and Lagueño native wine) [n.] coconut red wine (Visayas & Mindanao) \coconut wine (Quezonian & Lagueño)
*vino /bí-no/ (Tagalog, Ilonggo, and Chavacano; dw Span. vino [wine], Spanish origin) (also spelled as bino in Tagalog and other local languages) [n.] wine.
*vino blanco /bí-no bláng-ko/ (Tagalog, Ilonggo, and Chavacano wine; dw Span. vino [wine] + blanco [white]) [n.] white wine
*vino tinto /bí-no tín-to/ (Tagalog, Ilonggo, and Chavacano; dw Span. vino [wine] + tinto [red]) [n.] red wine
*virgin Coke /bir-gin cok/ (Tagalog) [n.] same as Tagalog beergin coke.
*wild chili ale /wayld tsi-li a-le/ (Tagalog alcoholic beverage) (a.k.a. chili beer in Tagalog) [n.] a chili-flavored craft beer.