EDGIE POLISTICO’S encyclopedic PINOY dictionary
filipino food & cooking
Compiled and re-written by Edgie B. Polistico
last update: Saturday, December 18, 2010 2:38:16 AM
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
saang – (sa-áng; Surigao mollusk) [n.] spider conch. Same as lima-lima
saba – (sa-bá; Tagalog banana) [n.] (see under saging)
sab-a – (sáb-a; Visayan banana) [n.] (see under saging) (saba in Tagalog)
saba turon – (sa-bá tu-rón) [n.] turon that uses saba as stuffing (also called balensiya in Navotas and Malabon, Metro Manila)
sabaw – (sa-báw) [n.] soup \broth \bouillon
saging – (sá-ging) [n.] the banana plant and its fruit, in general. Botanically, banana is actually not a tree but a herbaceuous plant under the genus Musa, wherein its trunk is actually a stem and its fruit classified as berries. It has several species and grows abundantly in almost anywhere in the Philippines. Eating banana fruit helps keep the doctor away. Among the many benefits of eating banana are that it would boosts the nerves in our brain, lifts up our mood, and puts blood pressure in control. Eating this fruit can be considered as taking a natural multivitamin. One medium-sized banana has 15% of vitamin C in it, as well as 11% of potassium, vitamin B6 (20% of recommended daily need), carbohydrates, iron, tryptophan protein and soluble fibers. It has no cholesterol, fat and sodium. It can alleviate at least 14 medical conditions that include diarrhea, fatigue, heartburn, insomia, kidney problems, anemia, and prevents heart disease, stroke, stomach ulcer and even childhood leukemia. Numerous studies shows that low potassium level causes heart palpitations and may lead then to a stroke. Potassium is an essential mineral needed to regulate the water balance in our body, as well as the acidity level and blood pressure. Lack of potassium can weaken our muscles and may cause irregular heartbeat. Thus, the high potassium content in banana could reduce the occurrence of strokes. Maintaining a high potassium level prevents cramps and muscular fatigue. When experiencing frequent urination, such as when you are taking in diuretic food or medications, the potassium level in our body is depleted as it goes out along with the urine. To replish the loss, eat two banana fruits a day as this will help keep the potassium level up. The soluble fibers in banana may help lower blood cholesterol level thereby reducing also the risk of having heart disease or stroke. Banana fruit is also rich in iron which is helpful to patient with anemia. The easily digestible starch of banana fruit contains carbohydrates that is a good source of ready energy that could boost our energy. When digested, the tryptophan protein in banana fruit is converted into serotonin, a hormone that improves and lifts up one’s mood. A study in South London (Europe) concludes that eating banana at least one a day could prevent childhood asthma, and that eating apples a day and other fruits were not as beneficial as that. Banana fruits also has an anti-ulcer properties and is recommended when you have a heartburn as the fruit would acts as a natural antacid. If banana fruit, along with oranges, is consumed at young age, it may help prevent childhood leukemia. The only dowside with banana fruit is that you may get constipation. If this your case, mix or combine it with other fruits like papaya and watermelon or drink lots of water to loosen bowel. Other practical uses of banana fruit include facemask from mashed banana pulp, the use of banana peel in shining silverware, in repelling plant insect, or as a fertilizer. In Africa, they have a banana beer.
*bunga ng saging (Tagalog) [n.] banana fruit
*bunga sa saging (Cebuano) [n.] banana fruit
*bunga han saging (Waray) [n.] banana fruit
*karnaba (kar-ná-ba; Visayan) [n.] a variety of banana fruit that has big digit that can be cooked and served as staple food \cardava banana
*sab-a – (sáb-a; Visayan) [n.] (same as saba)
*saba – (sa-bá; Tagalog) [n.] a variety of small-sized plantain banana fruit traditionally served as cooked banana fruit, and is considered one of the staple food in rural areas \a local variety of plantain \saba banana
*bulongan – (bu-ló-ngan; Visayan) [n.] a variety of banana with a skin (peel) that turns yellow green (not yellow) when it ripens. It usually has a long and big-sized digit of fruit.
*bungan – (bú-ngan; Visayan) [n.] (same as bulongan)
*nanpablo – (nan pab-lo; Bicolano) [n.] a variety of banana that is eaten when ripe. A digit of this banana is identified with its nipple-like tip.
*maybay (may-bay; Visayan) [n.] a variety of cooking banana with a digit that is large and light green skin (peel). It is a little smaller than the tindok banana.
*tindok (tin-dok; Visayan) [n.] (sc.name: Musa paradisiaca var. magna) a kind of cooking banana that bears very long digit of fruit, about a foot or more long and and somewhat curved in shape, and has a green skin. A variety of huge banana fruit that is about the size of a man's arm. The tindok plant bears a bunch of fruit that only has around three clusters with about a dozen of digits in each cluster. This banana is only good when cooked. Tindok is rich in potassium. (a.k.a. tandok)
*tandok – (tan-dok; Visayan) [n.] (same as tindok)
sago – 1. [n.] sago \sago palm \Malayan tree (sc.name: Metroxylon sagu) \this species of palm is grows in abundance in the marshes of Agusan in Mindanao and nearby provinces. It grows quickly, mostly in freshwater swamps and lowland in the tropics, and grows best in well-drained areas. It is a source of starch, used for making noodles, refreshment, and monosodium glutamate. The starch is stored in the sago palm’s stem and trunk that would then be used for the plant’s flowering and fruiting. The palm of sago are also used for roofing by thatching like that of nipa palm; 2. [n.] sago, as edible starch prepared from the pith of the trunk of sago palm (see also harina)
sago at gulaman – (sa-gó at gu-lá-man) [n.] a refreshment made of mixed gelatin cubes and sago pearls, sweetened with syrup and served cold with ice
sago’t gulaman – (sa-gót gu-lá-man) [n.] (same as sago at gulaman)
sagutong – (sa-gu-tóng; Maguindanaoan vegetable) [n.] eggplant (see also Tagalog talong)
saha – (sá-hà; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] shoot, as in bamboo shoot, banana shoot, etc. (labong in Tagalog)
*saha sa kawayan (sá-hà sa ka-wá-yan; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] bamboo shoot (a.k.a. ubod sa kayawan in Cebuano; labong ng kawayan in Tagalog)
*saha sa saging (sá-hà sa sá-ging; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] banana shoot (labong ng saging in Tagalog)
sakoreb – (sa-ko-rèb) [Maranao spice, n.] Muslim scallions (a.k.a. sakurab. See under sibuyas)
sakurab – (sa-ku-ràb) [Maranao spice, n.] Muslim scallions (a.k.a. sakoreb. See under sibuyas)
salabat – (sa-la-bát) [n.] ginger tea. A tangy beverage made of boiled finely sliced or well crushed ginger tuber. Its taste and aroma is intense if this drink is freshly brewed and served hot.
salad – (sá-lad; dw Eng. salad) [n.] (same as ensalada)
salambaw – (sa-lám-baw; Batangueño fishing tool) [n.] a bamboo facility used to catch fish in the river in some towns in Batangas.
salay – (sá-lay; Maguindanaoan aromatic grass) [n.] lemon grass (see also Tagalog tanglad) (tanglad in Tagalog and Waray; tangad in Cebuano; salay in Maguindanaoan)
salinas – (sa-lí-nas) [n.] fresh or saltwater tawilis (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
salmon – (sál-mon) [n.] salmon, a kind of fish that grows in the sea and spawn its eggs in fresh water by swimming upstream in rivers. A kind of fish that is one of the safest kind of fish to consume because it has a very low level of mercury content. (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
salop – (sá-lop; Tagalog dry measuring tool) [n.] (same as ganta)
salpo – (sal-po) [n.] small sea cucumber that is about three to five inches long, about an inch in diameter, and lives under the sands and muddy grounds in the seashore. Its edible flesh can be eaten raw by slicing it into cubes and dip or soak the pieces in the vinegar.
saluyot – (sa-lú-yot; Ilocano and Tagalog vegetable) [n.] bush okra (sc.name: Cochorus olitorius) \jute mallow \Jew’s mallow \jute \nalta \Saluyot is a low-calorie food and rich in Vitamin A (beta carotene) and minerals such as iron, calcium, and protein. This leafy vegetable is known to have originated in Egypt where it is called there as molokheya. It is widely cultivated in the Sub-Sahara wet regions and North Africa’s drier areas. Over the years, it became a favorite of the Ilocanos and even in Japan that locally manufactured powdered leaves are exported to Japanese market. (tugabang in Bisaya)
samaral – (sa-ma-rál; Tagalog fish) [n.] rabbit fish but with orange lines and usually bigger. One of the safest kind of fish to consume because it has a very low level of mercury content (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
sambag – (sám-bag; Cebuano tree and fruit) [n.] tamarind (sampalok in Tagalog; tamarindo in Waray)
sambal sug – (sam-bal súg; Jolo, Sulu sauce; dw India sambar + Bahasa sug [ocean curent]) [n.] spicy peanut sauce. This hot sauce is a mixture of coconut milk with lots of peanut butter and roasted peanut blended with many sort of Asian spices that includes onion, shallots, ginger, garlic, fresh finger chili, cumin, coriander, turmeric, paprika, and stalks of lemon grass (optional). Sugar and lime juice is also added to give the sweet-and-sour effect. This sauce is often poured by the Joloanons over their satti (meat barbecue in red hot sauce with rice balls) and tamu (rice cooked in woven coconut palm). A delicacy of Muslim Filipinos living in dots of isle surrounded with current of seas.
sambong – (sám-bong) [n.] (sc.name: Blumea balsamifera) a tree with leaves that is used as traditional herbal health drink for cure of kidney and gall bladder stones and dysmenorrhea. The leaves is boiled, or dried then steeped in hot water like a tea, and is taken as a drink. It’s diuretic effect cleanses the internal body from impurities and toxins. Menthol candy or a spoon of sugar can be added to make this drink pleasant to swallow.
sampaloc – (sam-pá-lok) [n.] (same as sampalok)
sampalok – (sam-pá-lok; Tagalog tree and its fruit) [n.] tamarind, this sour-tasting fruit is preferred by Tagalog in souring their sinigang. Its seeds are used to flavor kinilaw, as savory agent bare used to flavor kinilaw by the Tausugs in southeastern Mindanao (also spelled as sampaloc in old Tagalog; sambag in Cebuano; tamarindo in Waray)
samsam – (sam-sam; Waray) [n.] the act of chewing the food \chew (nguya in Tagalog; usap in Cebuano & Boholano; ngal-ngal in Ilocano; nguta-nguta in Bicolano; ngat-ngat in Pangasinense; semepa in Maguindanaoan; kineket in Samal; langestan in Pampangueño (Capampangan))
sanaw – (sá-naw; Waray) [n.] (same as the Tagalog am; see am) (lawot in Cebuano)
sandok – (sán-dok; Tagalog cooking utensil) [n.] ladle (luwag in Cebuano, Boholano, Ilonggo and Waray)
*gagawi (Maguindanaon) [n.] native Maguindanaon wooden ladle
sanggi – (sang-gì) [n.] star anise (sc.name: Sandoricum koetjape)
saniata – (sa-ni-á-ta; Ilocano) [n.] dragon fruit (see dragon fruit)
saniculas – (san-ni-ku-lás) [n.] (same as the pan de San Nicolas; see under tinapay)
santol – (san-tol) [n.] santol tree and its fruit (sc.name: Sandoricum koetjape, [Burn. f.])
santolada – (san-to-lá-da) [n.] blended juices of calamansi (Philippine round lime) and santol fruits, a refreshment concocted by Maria Ylagan Orosa, a food technology pioneer and World War II heroine in the Philippines.
sapal – (sá-pal; Cebuano, Waray & Tagalog by product) [n.] the bagasse of grated coconut meat, particularly referring to the dried strands of grated coconut meat after it has been extracted of its cream or milky juice.
sapin-sapin – (sa-pìn sa-pìn) [n.] a multi-layered colored gelatinous rice cake, made from ground sticky rice (galapong malagkit) and coconut cream, steamed and then sliced into pieces. Conventional sapin-sapin has at least 3 colorful layers that are from cassava or corn (yellowish), biko (varies in color depending on the color of the sugar used), ube (purple or violet), pandan leaves (for greenish coloring), atsuwete (for red coloring). Artificial food coloring is now also used in commercially prepared sapin-sapin. It is added on the ground sticky rice to obtain different colors.
sapsap – (sáp-sap; Visayan fish) [n.] sole, a kind of small silvery flat sea fish (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
sardinas – (sar-dí-nas) [n.] sardine \pilchard, a kind of sea fish (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
*tamban [n.] Indian sardines \sardinella
*tawilis [n.] Bombon sardines
*lawlaw (Cebuano) [n.] fimbriated sardine
*nilata nga sardinas (Cebuano) [n.] canned sardines (delatang sardinas in Tagalog)
*delatang sardinas (Tagalog) [n.] canned sardines (nilatang sardinas in Cebuano)
*tinapang sardinas (Tagalog) [n. Tag.] smoked sardines
*sardinas secas (a.k.a. sardinas tuyo) [n.] dried sardines. Dr. Jose Rizal wrote in his diary that this food is one of his favorites
*Portuguese-style sardine [n.] sardine cooked in oil, either in olive or ordinary vegetable oil. To cook this dish, prepare 1 kilo of small fishes (a choice of sardines, herrings of galunggong that are about 3 to 4 inch-long, salinas, or tawilis), 2 cups of vegetable oil (or olive oil), put the fishes in a pressure cooker and mix into it two leaves (average size) of laurel, 6 pieces of cloves (clavo de comer), 2 small ripe siling labuyo, a tablespoon of rock salt, a teaspoon of whole peppercorn, and if necessary, add ¼ cup of brandy. Pressure cook for about 20 minutes. Cool the cooker before opening. When cool, serve or place the cooked sardines and the oily broth in a clean, sterilized bottles. Let stand to cool for about one hour, then cover side down in the storage. Using the pressure cooker in cooking this dish is very helpful because it softens the hard fish bones, and allows the flavor to permeate into the fish and that it pushes the sauce into the fish.
*Spanish-style sardine [n.] sardine cooked in tomato or is tomato based. To cook this dish, prepare 1 kilo of small fishes (a choice of sardines, herrings of galunggong that are about 3 to 4 inch-long, salinas, or tawilis), 2 cups of vegetable oil (or olive oil), put the fishes in a pressure cooker and mix into it 2 cups tomato sauce, 1 bulb of garlic (separate the cloves into pieces, peel them but do not pound or slice), a bay leaf, a tablespoon each of rock salt and sugar, a teaspoon each of paprika and peppercorns (whole). Close the pressure cooker and cook on high heat. When the pressure cooker sizzles, put the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes. Let the cooker cool before opening its cover. Release the pressure, open cover, then serve the sardines in sauce or put the dish in a clean bottle for storing. Using the pressure cooker in cooking this dish is very helpful because it softens the hard fish bones, and allows the flavor to permeate into the fish and that it pushes the sauce into the fish.
sariwang bihon – (sa-ri-wang bí-hon) [n.] (see under pancit)
sarsa – (sar-sa) [n.] sauce
sarsiado – (sar-sya-do) [adj.] with sauce \some sauce had been added or poured on the dish
sasing – (sá-sing; Visayas & northeastern Mindanao animal) [n.] clam worm. This edible worm burrows under sandy clayish soil of the sea shore, and can be located by tiny mounds it leaves beside minuscule burrows. Also called sandworm. Its cylindrical body is inverted and cleaned of its content by washing on seawater. The cleaned sasing can be eaten raw or by dipping first in vinegar
sate – (sa-té) [n.] (same as satti; see under barbekyu)
satti – (sa-tí; southern Mindanao (Sulu and Zamboanga) dish) [n.] (see under barbekyu)
satsaro – (sat-sa-ró; Tagalog and Visayan vegetable; dw Span. chícharo [pea]) [n.] snow pea. Same as sitsaro (see also gulay for other Tagalog vegetables, and utanon for other Cebuano vegetables)
sauko – (sa-ú-ko) [n.] (same as alagaw)
sawa – (sa-wá; Tagalog and Visayan reptile) [n.] boa constrictor. Its flesh is used in cooking exotic dishes and tastes like chicken meat
sawsawan – (saw-sa-wan; Tagalog condiment) [n.] dips \dipping, served as siding to main dish
*bagon gata (ba-gòn ga-tà; southern Mindanao (Zamboanga) dish) [n.] a dipping sauce made of shrimp paste cooked in coconut milk
sayote – (sa-yó-te; Tagalog and Cebuano vegetable) [n.] mirliton pear (sc.name: Sechium edule), a kind of fruit vegetable commonly identified by its heart shape and yellowgreen skin and protruding seed in the cleavage \chayote (see also gulay for other Tagalog vegetables, and utanon for other Cebuano vegetables)
seaweed puto – (se-wed pú-to) [n.] (see under puto)
seguidilyas – (se-gi-dil-yas) [n.] (same as sigarilyas)
seleri – (se-le-rí; Tagalog vegetable) [n.] (same as seleriya)
seleriya – (se-le-ri-ya; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] celery (sc.name: Apium graveolens var. dulce of the parsley family) whose leafstalks are eaten raw or cooked as vegetable (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables) (seleri in Tagalog)
semepa – (se-me-pà; Maguindanaoan) [n.] the act of chewing the food \chew (nguya in Tagalog; usap in Cebuano & Boholano; samsam in Waray; ngal-ngal in Ilocano; ngat-ngat in Pangasinense; nguta-nguta in Bicolano; kineket in Samal; langestan in Pampangueño (Capampangan))
senyorita – [n] lady's finger (sc.name: Musa acuminata), a variety of sweet tasting banana with tiny fruits, have thin skin that turns yellow-green to bright yellow when ripe and easily come off from the bunch
serbesa – (ser-bé-sa; Spanish origin, a beverage; dw Span. cerveza [beer]) [n.] beer (see under alak)
seyburing – (sey-bu-ríng; Tausug spice) [n.] a variety of spring onion with very thin stalk of leaves (sibudying in Cebuano)
skinless longganiza (is-kin-les long-ga-ní-sa; dw Eng skin + Span. longaniza [pork sausage]) – [n.] unwrapped Filipino sausage (see under longganisa) (a.k.a. longganisang hubad)
sibudying – (si-bud-dying; Cebuano spice/condiment) [n.] (see under sibuyas)
sibuyas – (si-bú-yas; Visayan and Tagalog spice/condiment) [n.] onion \purple shallot \scallions (see also lamas for other Tagalog condiments, or panakot for other Cebuano condiments) (lasuna in Iloko)
*sibuyas bombay (Visayan spice) [n.] (same as sibuyas pula)
*sibuyas dahon (Visayan and Tagalog spice) [n.] spring onion \green onion \leek \scallion. The tubular leaf of this plant can be chopped into pieces and used in flavoring soups, noodles, and some pastries, or cut into short pieces and used as garnishment on dishes.
*sibuyas ihalas (Visayan spice) [n.] wild spring onion (a.k.a. sibudying)
*sibuyas pula (Visayan and Tagalog spice) [n.] red onion (red skinned onion) \purple scallion. This pungent spice is known to make you cry if its smell reaches your eyes. In cooking, it is cut into halves or big slices and is used as flavoring by mixing it in soupy fish or meat dishes while cooking. This spice can also be chopped finely and used as part of the stuffing ingredients in grilling and in some fried dishes. A regularly cut red onion, usually sliced into small squares, is used in flavoring sawsawan (dip sauces) (sibuyas Tagalog in Tagalog; sibuyas bombay in Visayan)
*sibuyas puti [n.] white onion \shallot
*sibuyas Tagalog (Tagalog spice) [n.] same as sibuyas pula, but particularly referring to the native variety that is smaller in size than the imported ones.
*sibuyas Bisaya (Visayan spice) [n.] same as sibuyas pula, but particularly referring to the native variety grown in the Visayas, it is similar to the sibuyas Tagalog that is smaller in size than the imported variety
*sakoreb (sa-ko-réb; Maranao spice) [n.] (same as sakurab)
*sakurab (sa-ku-ráb; Maranao spice) [n.] Muslim’s scallions, a variety of young shallot. In Maranao cooking, it is preferred over onions, used as seasoning on some fish and meat dishes. It is also used in making palapa, a very spicy condiment in Muslim cuisine. (a.k.a. sakoreb)
*sibudying (Cebuano spice) [n.] a variety of spring onion with very thin stalk of leaves \wild spring onion (a.k.a sibuyas ihalas in Visayan; seyburing in Tausug)
*kutsay (ku-tsày; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] chives (sc.name: Allium schoenoprasum) \Chinese chives (sc.name: Allium tuberosum) (see also sibuyas)
siganid – (si-ga-nìd; Tagalog fish) [n.] (same as the Visayan danggit; see danggit)
sigarilyas – (si-ga-ríl-yas; Cebuano and Tagalog vegetable) [n.] winged bean (sc.name Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, of the legume [Leguminosae] family) a pea plant vine of which its four-sided pods with longitudinal flanges, its seeds, leaves, flowers, and even roots, are edible and nutritious and are eaten as vegetable \asparagus bean. (see also gulay for other Tagalog vegetables, and utanon for other Cebuano vegetables) (a.k.a. seguidilyas)
*sigarilyas sa gata (Tagalog vegetable dish) [n.] winged bean in coconut cream. Cooking start with the sautéing of the usual spice ingredients and few slices of meat as sahog. The chopped winged bean is tossed into the pan followed by the coconut cream. Cooking continues by simmering for some time until the vegetable is cooked. Salt and other condiments are added to taste.
sikad-sikad – (si-kad sí-kad; Visayan mollusk) [n.] small conch, so called because it kicks as it moves. Sikad is the Visayan word for “kick.”
siko de carabao – (si-ko de ka-ra-báw) [n.] soursop (sc.name: Annona muricata) (see guyabano) (also spelled as siko de karabaw; a.k.a. guyabano)
siko de karabaw – (si-ko de ka-ra-báw) [n.] (same as siko de carabao)
sikwa – (sik-wa; Cebuano vegetable) [n.] sponge gourd (sc.name Luffa cylindrica) \angled gourd (sc.name: Luffa acutangula) (see also utanon for other Cebuano vegetables) (patola in Tagalog)
sikwate – (sik-wá-te) [n.] cacao chocolate drink, made from cacao tablea.
silaw – (si-law; Ibanag condiment) [n.] vinegar, in general (see suka)
sili – (si-li; Tagalog, Cebuano and Boholano vegetable, condiment/spice) [n.] chili \pepper \chili pepper \hot pepper (sc.name: Capsicum annuum, [cv group Longum, & c. Frutescens]) (see also lamas for other Tagalog spice/condiments, or panakot for other Cebuano spice/condiments)
*siling labuyo (si-ling la-bú-yò; Tagalog) [n.] bird’s eye chili \red hot small chili pepper \Philippine tiny hot chili pepper \tiny hot chili \A variety of Philippine red hot chili pepper, also known as the “bird’s eye hot pepper” (sc.name: Capsicum frutescens) a variety that is known to grow only in the Philippine archipelago. It bears tiny fruits but is refuted to be one of the hottest peppers in the world, especially the ripe ones that are bright red in color, but green and sometimes rare white when unripe and yellow when about to ripen. It is more commonly used in Filipino kitchens as a condiment, or main ingredients as in some Bicolano and Ilocano dishes; in Visayan and Mindanawanon, the young leaves (tops) are used in cooking as vegetable in some soupy dish. This tiny hot chili is served as sliced, crushed, mashed, or marinated whole in vinegar, as in the sinamak. It may be also sun dried and ground into powder and placed in a shaker for sprinkling over some dishes on the table or while cooking. Siling labuyo is mild if spiced as a whole piece, but very fiery if it is cut open, mashed, or chopped into pieces as it exposed its seeds and juice which are the hottest parts. (siling kulikot in Cebuano; katumba in Tausug; luya tiduk in Maranao)
*siling kulikot (si-ling ku-li-kòt; Visayan) [n.] (same as siling labuyo)
*katumba (ka-túm-ba; Tausug) [n.] (same as siling labuyo)
*luya tiduk (lu-ya ti-dùk; Maranao) [n.] (same as siling labuyo)
*siling mahaba (si-ling ma-há-bâ; Tagalog) [n.] finger chili \finger type pepper that is yellow green in color.
*sili na pangsigang (si-li na pang-si-gáng; Tagalog) [n.] (same as siling mahaba)
*sili nga tag-ason (si-li nga tag-á-son; Cebuano) [n.] (same as siling mahaba)
*dahon sa sili (da-hon sa sí-li; Visayan) [n.] young leaf of pepper \pepper leaf
*talbos ng sili (tal-bos nang sí-li; Tagalog) [n.] young leaf of leaf \pepper leaf (udlot sa sili in Cebuano)
*udlot sa sili (ud-lot sa sí-li; Cebuano) [n.] (same as talbos ng sili)
sili – (si-li; Hiligaynon (Ilonggo) sea fish) [n.] seawater eel. The species of eel found in the sea (see also isda for the list of other fishes) (a.k.a kasili in Hiligaynon (Ilonggo);. indong in Tagalog, Pampangueño (Capampangan), Pangasinense, Ilocano, Maranao and Maguindanao; indong in Cebuano; kasili in Bicolano & Waray; kamidling in Palaweño)
silot – (si-lót; Waray nut) [n.] young coconut fruit (butong in Cebuano; buko in Tagalog)
sinaing na kanin – (si-ná-ing na ká-nin; Tagalog dish) [n.] (see kanin) (kan-on, luto or linun-ag nga bugas in Cebuano; kan-on in Waray)
sinaing na tulingan – (si-na-ing na tu-lí-ngan; Batangueño dish) [n.] (see under tulingan)
sinaksak – (si-nák-sak; Cebuano dish) [n.] rice grains or corn grits mixed and cooked with chopped kamote (sweet potato), cutlets of kamoteng kahoy (peeled cassava tuber), or chopped unripe saba banana. Cooking can be either by steaming or boiling like the usual cooking of rice. Sinaksak can also be the mere blending of rice grains and corn grits together even without any other crop or unripe fruit blended to it. (similar to kisa or qiza; sinaksakan or sinibakungan in Cebuano)
sinaksakan – (si-nàk-sá-kan; Cebuano dish) [n.] (same as sinaksak)
sinalok – (si-na-lók; Zamboanga & Negros delicacy) [n.] cornmeal steamed in large upright bamboo tube. The bamboo tube is filled half with corn grits and filled almost to the brim with water. Then it is placed over red hot embers or slow burning fire to simmer until the cornmeal is cooked. Then the bamboo is splitted open to collect the freshly cooked cornmeal. The distinct aroma of steaming bamboo and corn is pleasant and appetizing.
sinamon – (si-na-món) [n.] cinnamon (see canela)
sinamak – (si-na-màk; Ilonggo condiment) [n.] (same as sukang sinamak; see under suka)
sinambagan – (si-nam-ba-gán; Cebuano) [adj.] flavored with tamarind (see also in sinigang) (sinampalukan in Tagalog; tinamarindoan in Waray)
*sinambagang manok – (si-nam-ba-gáng ma-nòk; Cebuano dish) [n.] chicken in tamarind broth (see also in sinigang) (sinampalukang manok in Tagalog; tinamarindoan na manok in Waray)
sinampalukan – (si-nam-pa-lú-kan; Tagalog) [n.] (see under sinigang)
*sinampalukang manok (si-nam-pa-lú-kang ma-nòk;Tagalog dish) [n.] (see under sinigang)
sinangag – (si-na-ngàg; Tagalog cooking term) 1. [adj.] fried; 2. [n.] any dish or food fried in few or minimal amount of cooking oil
*sinangag na kanin (Tagalog dish) [n.] fried rice \old cooked rice sautéed with crushed garlic and sprinkled with salt to taste. More often, it is added with sautéed ground meat or finely chopped fried meat or sausages then topped with flakes or bits of fried garlic and finely chopped spring onions. One of Pinoy breakfast favorite dish. (a.k.a. pritong kanin or sinangag in Tagalog; ginisang kan-on or piniritong kan-on in Cebuano; sinanlag in Waray)
*sinangag nga kan-on (Visayan dish) [n.] roasted rice (same as the Tagalog sinangag na kanin)
*kalo-kalo bihon (ka-lo-ka-ló; Ilonggo dish) [n.] generally, the sinangag dish, but it mostly refers to sautéed chopped or julienned pork, shelled shrimps, sliced patola (sponge gourd) and bihon (white rice noodle). (a.k.a. kalo-kalo or sinangag na bihon)
*kalo-kalo (ka-lo-ka-ló; Ilonggo dish) [n.] (same as kalo-kalo bihon)
*sinangag na bihon (si-na-ngág nab í-hon; Ilonggo dish) [n.] (same as kalo-kalo bihon)
*morisqueta tostada (mo-ris-ké-ta tos-tá-da; Spanish origin) [n.] Spanish fried rice.
sinangag – (si-ná-ngag; Visayas cooking term) 1. [adj.] roasted in the pan; 2. [n.] any dish or food that is cooked by roasting them in the pan
sinangag na bihon – (si-na-ngàg na bí-hon; Ilonggo dish) [n.] (same as kalo-kalo bihon) (a.k.a. kalo-kalo)
sinanglay – (si-náng-lay) [n.] fish stuffed with vegetables then wrapped in pichay leaves and cooked in coconut cream; it could be also a fish fillet simmered in coconut cream with spices and served on a bed of slightly blanched pichay leaves.
sinanlag – (sa-nán-lag; Waray cooking term) [adj.] fried in few or minimal amount of oil
*sinanlag na kan-on (Waray dish) [n.] fried rice (see also sinangag na kanin in sinangag)
sinarapan – (sa-na-ra-pán; Bicolano fish) [n.] (sc.name: Mistichthys luzonensis), a silvery, transparent and reputed to be as the world`s smallest vertebrate and later the smallest commercial fish in the world, delicious and served as exotic food. This fish is found only in Lake Buhi and nearby small lakes in Camarines Sur, Philippines (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
sineguelas – (si-ne-gwé-las) [n.] Spanish plum. Its green fruit tastes sour and is sometimes used to add to kinilaw as its souring agent. The bark of sineguelas is squeezed and used to neutralize the fishy taste of fish and to add tart acridity that is appetizing (a.k.a. sinigwelas, sirguelas in Tagalog; sireguylas in Cebuano)
singkamas – (sing-ka-más; Tagalog and Cebuano vegetable) [n.] turnip (sc.name: Pachyrrhizuz errosos) \jicama (sc.name: Pachyrhizus erosus) \yam bean (see also gulay for other Tagalog vegetables, and utanon for other Cebuano vegetables)
sinigang – (si-ni-gáng; Tagalog dish) [n.] steamed seafood, fish, or any other meat, with sour tasting broth and leafy vegetables added. Rice washing (hugas bigas) may be used as liquid ingredient in making the soup. This Asian soup dish is very popular with the Tagalog and even desired to tastes better if the main ingredients used are fresh seafood, fish, or meat, with fresh green leafy vegetables cooked with souring agent commonly that of tamarind (sampalok), kamias, calamansi (Philippine round lime), dayap, guavas, or ripe tomatoes.
*sinigang na baboy (Tagalog dish) [n.] pork in soured broth, a sinigang that uses sliced karneng baboy (pork) as the sahog (meat ingredient).
*sinigang na bangos (Tagalog dish) [n.] milkfish in soured broth, a sinigang that uses milkfish as the sahog (meat ingredient)
*sinigang na isda (Tagalog dish) [n.] fish in soured broth, a sinigang that uses any kind of fish, preferably the slices or cuts of medium to big sized fish, as the sahog (meat ingredient)
*sinigang na sugpo (Tagalog dish) [n.] prawns in sour broth
*sinigang sa batman (Ilonggo dish) [n.] a soured soup dish that uses “batman,” a sour-tasting fruit mostly found in the Visayas
*sinigang sa bayabas (Tagalog dish) [n.] broth flavored with lots of guava fruits, its strong aroma is distinctively that of guava that would likely stinks up the whole house. Guava, either green or half-ripe (but not the very ripe ones) is ideally used for souring the broth of freshwater fish like the bangus (milkfish), kanduli (salmon catfish) and tipalia (St. Peter’s fish); not with the sea fish such as tanigue, snapper, or lapulapu
*sinigang sa calamansi (Tagalog dish) [n.] sinigang that uses calamansi (Philippine round lime) as its souring ingredients, making a clear broth with citric aroma. The citrus fruit calamansi (Philippine round lime) could be the last resort when all other souring agents are not in season or not available at all, and squeezing calamansi (Philippine round lime) must be done with care so as not to drop a single or cuts of seed or a bit of rind into the soup as they could turn the whole dish to taste somewhat bitter. Calamansi (Philippine round lime) can also be added as enhancer in other type of sinigang.
*sinigang sa kamias (Tagalog dish) [n.] a mild sinigang that uses kamias as its souring ingredients. Kamias is ideally limited only to “fish” sinigang as this fruit is considered too mild to sour the dish.
*sinigang sa mangga (Tagalog dish) [n.] sinigang that uses the pulp of green mangoes, not the ripe ones which is already sweet nor the very young (bubot in Tagalog) which is somewhat tart and bitter. Green mangoes can be used as broth’s souring agent for all kinds of meats, including chicken and fish.
*sinigang sa santol (Tagalog dish) [n.] sinigang that uses the pulp of half-ripe santol fruit in souring the broth. Santol is ideally used for souring fish, not with meats
*sinampalukan (Tagalog dish) [n.] sinigang that uses young tamarind leaves, not the fruits or flowers. (sinambagan in Cebuano; tinamarindo in Waray)
*sinampalukang manok (Tagalog dish) [n.] chicken in tamarind broth, similar to sinigang sa sampalok (sinambagang manok in Cebuano; tinamarindoan na manok in Waray)
*sinigang sa sampalok (Tagalog dish) [n.] meat steamed in tamarind broth, producing a lightly turbid broth as the tamarind pulp mixes with the soup. This dish uses the unripe and sour-tasting tamarind fruits, not the ripe or semi-ripe ones.
*sinigang sa miso (Tagalog dish) [n.] sinigang with miso added in the broth, giving the soup a creamy opaque color. Miso is not however a souring agent. It rather adds texture and thickness to the soup and is ideal for sinigang that uses leftover fried fish. The sourness of the soup comes from other sour ingredients, not from miso. This kind of sinigang is ideal only for fish, not with meats.
*sinigang na may gabi [n.] sinigang with gabi is ideally for meat, such as sinigang na baka or sinigang na baboy, not for fish or any seafood sinigang as it would overpower the taste of fish and the flavor of seafood (shrimp, shells, etc.). For gabi, prefer to use the rootlet or second generation tuber (gabing anak) for its creamy flesh, not the main root (gabing ina) which has coarse pulp. Gabi is not a souring agent. It rather adds thickness to the soup. The sourness of the soup comes from other sour ingredients.
*sinigang hugas-bigas [n.] this is a sinigang that uses “rice washing” as base for the sinigang broth. The rice starch in the water slightly thickens the broth, giving the soup subtle richness in texture. Hugas-bigas is not a souring agent. The sourness of the sinigang comes from other sour ingredients.
sinigwelas – (si-ne-gwé-las; Tagalog fruit) [n.] (same as sineguelas)
sinuam – (si-nu-ám; Batangueño dish) [n.] is a kind of soup popularized in Batangas. It is prepared by cooking garlic, onions, black peppers and salt in a boiling water, then stir and add with a freshly cracked eggs. The concoction has been proven to cure common headaches, colds, dizziness, fever and hangovers. The egg soup is the Batangas version of noodle soup, only that it has no artificial ingredients and is full of nutrients.
sinudlan empanada – (si-nud-lan em-pa-ná-da; Cebuano delicacy) [n.] (see under empanada)
sinugba – (si-núg-ba; Visayan cooking term) [adj.] cooked by broiling \broiled (see also in inihaw) (inihaw in Tagalog)
*sinugba sa parilya (Cebuano) [adj.] grilled
*sinugba sa uling (Cebuano) [adj.] char-grilled \charcoal-broiled (inihaw sa uling in Tagalog)
*sinugbang isda (Cebuano dish) [n.] (same as inihaw na isda)
sinuglaw – (si-núg-law; Visayas & southeastern Mindanao dish) [n.] a dish made of chopped, mixed pieces of half-cooked grilled (sinugba) pork, preferably the pig’s belly and ceviche (kinilaw) of tuna fish or meat of any other big fish
sinugno – (si-nug-nò) [n.] the name is from the combination of the Visayan words sinugba (grill) and espesong tuno (coconut cream), wherein the fish (preferably tilapia) is first grilled and then cooked in thick coconut cream spiced with crushed garlic, chopped onions and leeks, and sometimes added with leafy vegetables such as pichay or mustasa. This dish is eventually popularized in some eating places in Quezon province
sinuman – (si-nú-man; Batangueño soup) [n.] a kind of soup popularized in Batangas. It is prepared by cooking garlic, onions, black peppers and salt in a boiling water, then stir and add with a freshly cracked eggs. The concoction has been proven to cure common headaches, colds, dizziness, fever and hangovers. The egg soup is the Batangas version of noodle soup, only that it has no artificial ingredients and is full of nutrients.
sinuman – (si-nu-mán; Bicolano delicacy) [n.] the Bicolano version of biko or sinukmani. This sweetened sticky rice looks brown or dark red in color due to the brown variety of glutinous rice used, the color is enhanced by using brown sugar or muscovado. A scoop of sinuman is shaped into bulging or convex mold and placed in the center of banana leaf cut in circular shapes, then the mold is topped with dark colored sinuman which is actually a piece of tutong of sinuman that stick on the side or bottom of the cooking pan or kawali.
sinuwaang baboy at buko – (si-nu-wá-ang bá-boy at bú-ko; Aklan dish) [n.] binakol style soup
siopao – (si-yó-paw; Chinese origin) [n.] Hot buns with fillings \steamed filled soft white bun \Siopao is a round bread roll made of heavily leavened white flour creating a very soft bun, it is filled with meat and sauce then placed on a steamer to cook. It is best served if taken fresh from the steamer and still hot, and is eaten with a sweet sauce or catsup.
*siopao asado [n.] siopao bun filled with a slice of pork cooked in sweet sauce
*siopao bola-bola [n.] siopao bun filled with meatball and sliced salted egg and/or chunk of sausage.
*fried siopao [n.] siopao bun that is pan-fried until lightly brown
*puto pao [n.] The name puto pao is derived from puto and siopao, it is a rice cake filled with pork asado similar to that of the usual steamed siopao.
*vegetable puto pao (Bacolodnon delicacy) [n.] a puto pao that was created as by product of flour shortage in the 80’s wherein almost half of the baking flour used in making the soft bun is had been substituted with ground vegetables, such as carrots, squash, and even coconuts. The steamed bun is filled with pre-cooked chicken or any other meat.
sipol – (si-pól Visayas kitchen utensil) [n.] kitchen knife
sip-on– (síp-on; Cebuano) [n.] very soft and quite transparent meat of young coconut, the same as the Tagalog malauhog. The literal meaning of the word sip-on is “mucus” and is used to describe the texture of the young coconut’s meat that is still in its early development (see also malauhog)
sireguylas – (si-re-gúy-las; Cebuano fruit) [n.] (same as sineguelas)
sirguelas – (sir-gwé-las) [n.] (same as sineguelas)
sisig – (sí-sig; Pampangueño dish) [n.] minced pork relish \a delicacy conventionally made with diced ears, face skin (of pig in pork sisig) or chopped skin from pig`s head, bits of pig brain tissues (optional in pork sisig), the pork and pig skin are parboiled then stir-fried in oil and spices and served sizzling on a heated earthen or metal hotplate. A variation has the fish meat, chicken meat and other meats as replacement. Varieties of sisig include the following: pork sisig; chicken sisig; bangus sisig; pusit sisig; tuna sisig; and any of the sizzling dishes served as sizzling sisig (see comments below this page for a more elaborate entry about sisig and some of the variations of this dish) (For pork sisig, see my comment on June 23, 2019, at the bottom)
*bangus sisig [n.] sisig that uses bangus fish fillet as an alternative meat to the conventional pork version. The fillet is cut into small cubes and marinated, then fried brown and added to sautéed sliced onion. When cooked, the dish is placed on preheated metal plate and served while it is very hot and sizzling.
*sisig Capampangan (sí-sig ka-pam-pá-ngan; Pampangueño dish) [n.] the spicy version of pork sisig, using finger chili (siling mahaba) for milder hotness, or the notorious siling labuyo for fiery hot flavor (a.k.a. Cabalen sisig).
*tuna sisig [n.] sisig dish that uses chunky cuts of tuna fish fillet as an alternative meat to the conventional pork version, minus the fat and calories. The tuna chunks are crushed or cut into small cubes and marinated, then fried brown and added to sautéed sliced onion. When cooked, the dish is placed on preheated metal plate and served while it is very hot and sizzling Enhanced version uses crushed pork chicharon and tuna roe as additional ingredient and garnishment.
*bagnet sisig (Ilocano dish) [n.] sisig dish that uses bagnet as the main meat ingredient.
*warek-warek (wa-rék wa-rék;; Ilocanbo dish) [n.] (see comment, at the bottom)
*warek-warek (wa-rék wa-rék;; Ilocanbo dish) [n.] (see comment, at the bottom)
sisiw – (sí-siw; Tagalog fowl) [n.] chicks, the young of birds and fowl \nestling of birds (piso in Visayan)
sitaw – (si-taw; Tagalog vegetable) [n.] string bean (same as the Cebuano batong; see batong) (batong in Visayan; hantak in Waray)
sitsaro – (sit-sa-ró; Tagalog and Cebuano vegetable; dw Span. chícharo [pea]) [n.] snow pea \sugar pea \pea shoot \sweet pea pod (see also gulay for other Tagalog vegetables, and utanon for other Cebuano vegetables) (a.k.a. satsaro)
siyakoy – (si-yá-koy; Visayan delicacy) [n.] fried doughnut \A fried and puffed up donut that is either straight (like bicho-bicho) or circle with a hole in the middle.
*pinilipit nga siyakoy; pinipit [n.] twisted donut \cruller
siyanglag – (si-yáng-lag; Tausug delicacy) [n.] roasted cassava
sizzling – (síz-ling) [n.] dish served on a very hot earthen or metallic hotplate that allows the dish to sizzle, spatter and emit smoke. The dish is served with slices of calamansi (Philippine round lime) along with canister and saucer of toyo, vinegar and pieces of whole siling labuyo (green or red)
*sizzling bangus belly [n.] finely chopped meat from the belly part of milkfishes that are cooked like sisig and served on a very hot earthen or metallic hotplate that allows the dish to sizzle, spatter and emit smoke
*sizzling chicken [n.] shredded chicken meat (chicken flakes) are cooked like sisig and served on a very hot earthen or metallic hotplate that allows the dish to sizzle, spatter and emit smoke
*sizzling pusit (Tagalog dish) [n.] sizzling dish that uses thinly chopped meat of squids as the main ingredients, served on a very hot earthen or metallic hotplate that allows the dish to sizzle, spatter and emit smoke
*sizzling sisig [n.] sisig dish served on a very hot earthen or metallic hotplate that allows the dish to sizzle, spatter and emit smoke
*sizzling tuna belly [n.] finely chopped meat from the belly part of tuna fish are cooked like sisig and served on a very hot earthen or metallic hotplate that allows the dish to sizzle, spatter and emit smoke
sofa de ube – (so-phá de ú-be; Calamba, Laguna dish) [n.] a viand with ube as main ingredient
sopas – (só-pas) [n.] soupy food
*sopas mais - [n.] corn soup
sorbetero – (sor-be-té-ro) [n.] ice cream vendor
sorbetes – (sor-bé-tes) [n.] ice cream
*dirty ice cream (dír-te áys-krem) [n.] the local ice cream commonly vended by a sorbetero in his ice cream cart that he pushes along the street with a small kiling-kiling (hand bell). The cart holds two, three or four canisters buried in plenty of cracked ice and rock salts that serve as the freezer. The ice cream is inside the canisters and is scooped into cones or as fillings in hamburger buns. You may get an extra scoop if you bring a glass or cup to replace the cone. The name dirty ice cream comes from the fact that this cold delight is sold in little two-wheeled push cart on the streets and is exposed to dusts and smoke, and is scooped and served without using any glove. It has a variety of flavors, such as ube (wild yam that is purple), mangga (mango that is bright yellow), queso (cheese that pastel yellow), buko (young coconut that is white), strawberry (that is reddish or pink), chocolate (that is brown), vanilla (that is greenish-yellow), etc. You can choose either with only one flavor or mix them up.
*mantecado ice cream (man-te-ká-do áys-krem) [n.] vanilla flavored ice cream with rinds of dayap (native lime).
sosa – (só-pas; Tagalog dipping or condiment) [n.] sauce
sotanghon – (so-táng-hon) [n.] (see under pancit)
sotanghon con caldo – (so-táng-hon kon káldo;Tagalog dish) [n.] (see under pancit)
sotil – (so-tíl) (Visayan citrus fruit) [n.] (same as calamansi)
soya – (só-ya; Tagalog and Cebuano bean; dw Span. soya [soy bean]) [n.] soy bean (sc.name Glycine max of the pea or legume family), the seeds are made into soya flour, soya chocolate drink, soya milk, and extracted of its oil content (soya oil) and used in cooking or ingredients in other food products.
Spanish-style sardine – (is-pa-nis is-táyl sar-din) [n.] (see under sardinas)
spicy crab – (is-páy-se krab) [n.] crab in chili sauce. Cooking this dish starts with the alimango (mud crab) or alimasag (blue crab) being half-cooked by frying or steaming, then finished by coating the crabs with thick aromatic, peppery hot sauce. The secret of making this dish delicious is in the chili hot sauce, and that the crabs must be fresh, better if still alive right when it is about to be cooked. Going back to step-by-step cooking, the crabs are best sautéed in hot oil until half-cooked. Sautéeing would help remove the crab’s fishy aftertaste. The half-cooked crabs are then set aside. The next step is the making of a good hot sauce. The garlic and ginger are finely chopped or grated then sautéed in the pan until it smells fragrant. A sauce (made of combined oyster sauce, chili sauce, salt and pepper) is then added into the pan. When the sauce starts to sizzle, the half-cooked crabs is added into the pan and stirred for a while just enough to evenly distribute the sauce and coat the crabs. Curry powder is then added followed by finely chopped basil leaves and siling labuyo (bird’s eye chilies) and sesame oil. The pan is covered and the dish is allowed to simmer for three to five minutes. When the sauce has thickened, kangkong (swamp cabbage) or talbos ng kamote (sweet potato tops) may be tossed into the pan and then thoroughly mixed and turned until the hot sauce has evenly distributed and coated the dish. When done, serve freshly cooked dish on the table. If hot sauce is not available, soup stock (pork, beef or chicken stock) is sometimes used as substitute, but it does not come up to equal the savory taste of the conventional hot sauce as prepared above. Considering that most Pinoy diners are not keen on extremely spicy hot dishes, this dish can be made with the right amount of piquancy to match personal preference by deliberately reducing or increasing the amount of hot sauce and hot chilies used in cooking. (a.k.a. chili crab)
suahe – (su-wá-hè; Tagalog seafood) [n.] small prawns, it looks bright red when cooked
suati – (su-wá-tì; Visayan fish) [n.] white shrimp in pond, a kind of fish
suba – (sú-ba; Boholano condiment) [n.] (same as subak)
subak – (sú-bak; Cebuano condiment) [n.] pieces of meat of fish (could be fresh, dried, or previously fried) that is added to compliment or enhance the dish. (subak in Cebuano and Waray; sahog in Tagalog)
sudi – (su-di; Ivatan vegetable) [n.] taro (gabi in Tagalog, Cebuano and Waray)
sugarcane vinegar – (syu-gar ken bi-ne-gar) [n.] (see under suka)
sugba – (súg-ba; Visayan term) [n.] the process of making sinugba (ihaw in Tagalog)
sugkilaw – (sùg-ki-láw; northern Mindanao dish) [n.] the combined slices or chopped pieces of sinugba (grilled) pork strips and kinilaw (raw) fish fillet
suglaw – (sùg-law; northwestern. Mindanao dish) [n.] pork fat and skin included is slightly charred and then chopped into pieces and mixed with kinilaw made of tanguigue fillet or meat of other big fish
sugnod – (sùg-nod; Visayan fuel) [n.] a firewood, charcoal, paper, kerosene, or any other kind of fuel used to build and feed on fire to keep it aflame (panggatong in Tagalog)
sugong – (su-gong; Cebuano, Boholano & Waray) [n.] a bamboo tube used as receptacle in collecting the dripping juice of fresh coconut tuba. It is about one to two feet long, attached and bound at the tip of the lopped off coconut bud so tuba would drip directly into it.
sugpo – (sug-pó; Tagalog and Visayan crustacean) [n.] tiger prawns \prawns, a kind of fish
*sugpong bisaya (sug-póng bi-sá-yà) [n.] prawns in garlic butter. Cooking oil (olive or palm oil) and butter is first heated in a pan then ¼ cup of chopped garlic is sautéed into it. When garlic is lightly browned, it is removed and set aside. Then half kilo of prawns, still intact with shell, is put into the same heated pan and stirred. When the prawns turn reddish and the meat opaque white, it is removed and transferred to a platter. The oil used in cooking is poured over the cooked prawns, and the browned garlic is spread on top. For garnishment, it is sprinkled with chopped parsley.
*sugpong pampango (sug-póng pam-páng-go) [n.] prawns with crab roe. A half kilo of peeled prawn is lightly salted with ordinary sea salt. Then it is seared in a pan with few amount of oil and removed immediately when it turns pinkish in color and set aside. In a low heat, a half cup of talangka (crab roe) is cooked with ¼ cup of cream, then the seared prawn is added and cooked for a short while and then removed from pan and transferred to a plate, including the sauce produced in the cooking. It is served with a squeeze of lemon juice (or calamansi) and best paired with steamed rice or few pieces of toasted bread or sliced baguette.
*hanlilitik (han-li-li-tìk; Cebuano crustacean) [n.] big prawn. A species of big prawn under the order Decapoda.
sugpo at lapulapu sa hibe at kasuy – (súg-pô at la-pu la-pu sa hí-be at ka-súy) [n.] sauté of prawns and grouper fish with cashew nuts
suha – (su-hà; Tagalog fruit) [n.] pomelo (sc.name: Citrus maxima) (buongon, baungon or buluongon in Cebuano; see also prutas)
suka – (su-kâ; Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano condiment) [n.] vinegar, in general. Natural vinegar are made from the sap or juice from the efflorescence of palm trees (coconut, nipa, buri (raffia), etc.), juice extracted from sugar cane or from over ripening fruits, and other wines or beverages (basi, tuba, baya, etc.) that is stored and fermented for a long period of time, allowing some kind of bacteria to develop that would eventually cause the liquid to become naturally sour, thus making it into a sour-tasting liquid or suka. Artificial vinegar are manufactured synthetically by formulating a mixture of sour-tasting chemicals (acetic acid) in water. (aslam in Pampangueño (Capampangan); silaw in Ibanag; langgaw in Hiligaynon or Ilonggo; tuka in Pangasinense; suoy in Waray)
*sukang pula (su-kang pu-lá;) [n.] red vinegar
*sukang puti (su-kang pu-tì;) [n.] white vinegar, generally referring to all kinds vinegar that is clear or whitish in texture. Sukang puti that are commonly sold as bottled vinegar in grocery stores are the sukang tubó (cane vinegar) and nipang sasà (palm vinegar) (see also sukang tuba)
*sugarcane vinegar [n.] the sukang tubo
*sukang buli; suka sa buli (su-kang bu-lí; Ilocano condiment) [n.] buri palm vinegar (raffia vinegar), made from the juice gathered from the newly sprouting bunch of buri flower (raffia efflorescence), the sap is processed to ferment similar to nipa vinegar of northeastern Mindanao (a.k.a. buli vinegar)
*sukang Butuan (Butuanon [northern Mindanao] condiment) [n.] fermented nipa sap vinegar blended with hot chili, ginger, garlic, turmeric, salt, and black pepper. Obviously, this concoction is hot and spicy
*sukang Iloko (su-kang i-ló-ko; Ilocano condiment) [n.] Ilocano sugarcane vinegar. It is a vinegar fermented by local vinegar makers in Ilocos provinces, it is made from basi, a sugarcane wine that has turned sour. This vinegar is made from sweet sap from pressed out sugar cane, usually done in native presses called bennal. The juice is thick, sweet and almost a syrup. The collected sugarcane juice is added with combined tanbark, leaves, and fruits of the samak tree that are pounded together. The bark gives a reddish or maroon-like coloring, the fruit contributes taste, and the leaves enhance both the fruit and bark’s flavor. About 4 kerosene-can measures of samak mixtures are poured into each burnay (earthen jar) with the samak mixture mashed into it. The proportion is ideally 4 gantas leaves: 1 ganta bark: ¼ ganta fruit (or ½ ganta for making basi). The concoction is allowed to stand and steep, at this stage it is called parek. The burnay is opened after a month to let the beneficent air, then half-closed and put under the sun. Because the jars are left open, a smaller volume of vinegar is made at the end of the process because of rapid evaporation of the liquid. The juice-steeped samak is usable 3 times. After a month, the sugarcane sap has transmuted into a fair vinegar, then becomes good to taste after about 3 months, and after 1 year it turns into a potent vinegar that is sweetish, as it becomes strongly sour in smell with a hidden sweetness. Some people called this vinegar “balsamic” probably because of its dark color or that it is as good as that of an aged Italian vinegar. This famous Ilocano vinegar is known for its potency. It is one of the necessary ingredients in Ilocano kilawen of beef, goat, pork, or fish. This vinegar is also known as curative for fevers and headaches, and is used to empower a cleansing steam for women after childbirth.
*sukang kaong (su-kang ka-òng; Quezon province’s condiment) [n.] vinegar made from the sap of a male kaong tree or sugar palm (sc.name: Arengga pinnata). The flowering stalks of sugar palm are rocked or agitated to produce juice. The sweet smell of juice attract fruit flies. When flies keep around the stalks, this signals that the time is ripe to tap the stalks for its juice. To collect the juice, the stalk is chopped off little by little from the tip day by day to allow the juice to drip. The collected juice is then subjected to fermentation for a week or more to become vinegar.
*sukang latundan (su-kang la-tún-dan; Tagalog condiment) [n.] a kind of banana vinegar. It is a vinegar made from latundan, a variety of banana as it does not keep long simply as a ripe banana that it eventually transforms into a vinegar beyond its over ripening
*sukang lubi (su-kang lu-bi; northeastern Mindanao condiment) [n.] It comes from the juice of mature coconut fruit. The fruit is split open and its water is collected on a wife container laid on the ground. Then, the container is covered with a fine-meshed net to avoid insects from getting into the container while at the same time allow the juice to be exposed to air and sunlight until it sours into vinegar \coconut water vinegar.
*sukang lubi; suka sa lubi (su-kang lu-bí; Visayan condiment) [n.] It comes from the juice of mature coconut fruit. The fruit is split open and its water is collected on a wife container laid on the ground. Then, the container is covered with a fine-meshed net to avoid insects from getting into the container while at the same time allow the juice to be exposed to air and sunlight until it sours into vinegar \coconut water vinegar.
*sukang nipa (su-kang ni-pâ; Surigao & Agusan condiment) [n.] vinegar from nipa palm sap, similar to sukang Paombong. However, the gathering of nipa sap differs from that of Bulaqueño. Gathering of nipa sap for this kind of vinegar is practiced in northern and eastern part of Mindanao, wherein the gatherer first hack out a tiny portion of the aggregate fruit, take out the white flesh beneath the thick husk and the layer of hard wood-like shell, and taste it to know if it is soft and sweet enough. When it tastes sweetish, the gatherer would then cut off the fruit’s stem with one stroke, lay the beheaded stem on the ground, press it down with his foot and thus induce the juice to flow out. When released, the stalk springs back to its original position with the fast swing like a pendulum, and the white juice, as sweet as sugar cane, comes out. Then a cut is made like a small wound, an inch away beneath the previous bigger wound, and finally attach a sugong (bamboo tube receptacle) into which the juice flows in and collected. The juice flows into the sugong in the afternoon and through the night when it is cool, and in 3 days, about a galloon of tuba (nipa sap) is gathered, or about 2 liters each day from one nipa fruit. If the juice is stored undisturbed in its container, it will become a vinegar after about 3 days. Fermentation starts as soon as the juice is exposed to the air. After about 2 weeks, the vinegar would achieved its maximum acidity. The vinegar carries the faintest hint of sweetness along with its sourness that is not intense.
*sukang nipa; suka sa nipa (su-kâ sa ni-pà; Visayan condiment) [n.] palm vinegar, made from the fermented soured sap of slashes made in the nipa stalks
*sukang niyog (su-kang ni-yog; Tagalog condiment) [n.] (same as the Visayan sukang lubi)
*sukang Paombong (su-kang pa-óm-bong; Bulaqueño condiment) [n.] vinegar made from the sap of nipa palm’s fruit. The process of making sukang Paombong starts from searching for a newly sprouting puso (young bunch of nipa flower), when found, it is marked and watched till it reaches full opening and turns into fruit. The magtutuba (nipa sap gatherer) tended to it before it ripens, and while still on its buwig (bunch) by a process of pag-uuntag (agitating the bunch by kicking it hard) so that it will produce lots of juice. The magtutuba kicks the branch and bend it to the ground at least 20 times once a week for about 6 to 7 weeks, in order to induce the nipa sap to easily flow out. At the optimum time, the magtutuba cuts the fruit off on diagonal, and attach a tukil (bamboo tube receptacle) to the bunch catch the dripping juices of the wounded nipa fruit. The juice is white and tastes sweet, and is called bag-ong tuba (newly harvested nipa sap). Ideally, the tukil gets filled up after a day and a night of catching juices. Each morning, the tuba goes in the process of tinitigis (pouring off) into a larger container, and the tukil is scraped clean with a karit (sharp bladed knife) but not washed. The buwig gives juice for about 3 months before dying. The collected nipa sap is then stored in a clay jar with its mouth covered, the jar is exposed to the sun in open grounds or backyards. Eventually, the juice would ferment and turns into vinegar in a process that would last from about 5 months to a year. From its white color, the tuba gradually darkens as it becomes sour and darkens more when it sours further. It has the tendency to darken because it contains iron; otherwise, the sukang Paombong is not pure if it will not darken. Sukang Paombong is known for its acidic taste filled with purity, and is valued not only as souring agent, but as a special gift to friends and relatives.
*sukang pinakurat (su-kang pi-na-ku-ràt; Iligan condiment) [n.] any kind of vinegar that is highly spiced and the liquid is cloudy. Its spicy sour taste will make you realize what is meant by the word pinakurat, which is “surprisingly” as this would shock your sense of taste.
*sukang pinya (su-kang pin-ya) [n.] a fermented pineapple juice that turned sour \pineapple vinegar
*sukang pinya; suka sa pinya (su-kâ sa pin-ya; Visayan condiment) [n.] pineapple vinegar, a fermented pineapple juice that turned sour.
*sukang sasa (su-kang sa-sá; Tagalog condiment) [n.] palm vinegar, made from the sap of slashes made in the nipa stalks \palm vinegar
*sukang sinamak (su-kang si-na-màk; Ilonggo condiment) [n.] Ilonggo spiced hot vinegar \this vinegar is a concoction of organic vinegar (preferably a coconut vinegar [sukang tuba or sukang lubi]) soaked with plenty of bird’s eye chilies, sliced onions, chopped ginger, garlic, galangal, and other spices. It tastes really very hot. Commonly used as sawsawan for those who seek or brave the fiery hotness of chili, or as a spicy hot condiment for kinilaw. To experience the ultimate hotness, press every chili that pours out into the saucer before dipping your food into the vinegar or before mixing the vinegar to your dish (a.k.a. sinamak vinegar)
*sukang tuba (su-kang tu-bà; Quezon province and Visayan condiment) [n.] a vinegar made from coconut tuba that turns sour, or from the fermented souring sap of the inflorescence or the flower-bearing stalk of coconut. It is called sukang puti (white vinegar) if the tuba is not colored with tungog (a dried bark of mangrove tree, a.k.a. barok) this is mostly manufactured by tuba gatherers in Quezon Province and are sold in galloon in some stalls or small stores along the national road. The sukang pula (red vinegar) is the version of sukang tuba that is from coconut wine flavored and colored with tungog, and this is mostly manufactured by the a tuba gatherer called manananggot (ma-na-n’ang-got) or mananguete (ma-nàng-gé-te) in Visayas \coconut vinegar \coconut wine vinegar.
*sukang tubo (su-kang tu-bó) [n.] vinegar that is made from the juice extracted from the sugarcane then cooked and placed in jars to ferment for weeks \sugarcane vinegar
*sukang tubo; suka sa tubo (su-kâ sa tu-bó; Visayan condiment) [n.] sugarcane vinegar, made from sugar cane’s juice that has been cooked and then placed in jars to ferment.
*layaw (la-yaw; Cagayan condiment) [n.] a nipa sap vinegar, similar to laksoy and sukang nipa in northeastern Mindanao
sulasi – (su-la-si; Visayan herb) [n.] basil \basil leaf. A strong scented herb
sulid – (su-lid; Visayan fish) [n.] caesios, a kind of fish (see also isda for the list of other fishes)
suman – (sú-man; Tagalog delicacy) [n.] rice stick \this delicacy is a mixture of glutinous rice, coconut cream, and salt that is rolled and wrapped in banana leaf then steamed until cooked. It can be more elongated in shape and wrapped in an assortment of other kind leaves such as young coconut or nipa palm, pandan leaf, etc.. Other variations of suman replaces glutinuous rice with tapioca (cassava flour), kamote (sweet potato), dawa (millet), ube (purple yam), and other root crops. There are also suman made from ground plain rice or a combination of grains and root crops. (barubed in Maguindanaoan; budbod in Visayan)
*suman antala (sú-man an-ta-là; Bulaqueño) [n.] (same as suman inantala)
*suman inantala (su-man i-nan`-ta-la) [n.] glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk in a big karahay (pan) and covered with banana leaves when almost done and cooked until dry. It is served at wakes in Cavite. In Bulacan, it is rolled in banana leaves and packed in bundles banded by banana leaf (a.k.a. inangit, or suman antala)
*suman kamoteng kahoy (sú-man ka-mo-teng ka-hoy; Tagalog) [n.] cassava roll or cassava stick, made of grated cassava or cassava flour (tapioca) mixed with coconut milk and glutinous rice and rolled in wilted banana leaf. The cassava roll is filled with latik (coconut jam) and the rolled banana leaf is folded on both ends, then it is cooked in steamer or boiled until the cassava becomes semitransparent (nilidgid, lidgid or iraid in Samar, Leyte, Bohol and Cebu; a.k.a. roka in Cebu)
*suman fiesta (sú-man pi-yes`-ta) [n.] rice stick with strips of ripe jackfruit, lathered with ube cream sauce.
*suman latik (sú-man la-tìk; Cebuano & Leyteño) [n.] is the Visayan version of suman sa lihiya, except that the wrapper is the flame-shaped hagikhik leaf. The rice stick is shaped in triangular and the bottom is flat.
*suman latik (sú-man la-tìk; Bicolano) [n.] this Bicolano version of suman (sticky rice boiled in coconut milk) is served on a rectangular or circular cut of banana leaf. The suman is flattened and topped in the middle with bukayo (coconut sweetmeat).
*suman muriekos (sú-man mu-ri-ye-kos; Bulaqueño) [n.] rice suman with ube rolled in banana leaf. The ube ingredient gives the suman its violet color.
*suman negro (sú-man neg-ro;) [n.] rice stick and slices of green mango lathered in chocolate cream sauce.
*suman sa ibos (sú-man sa i-bos; Tagalog) [n.] rice stick made of steamed glutinous rice, wrapped in strips of nipa leaves or new sprout of coconut palm, that turn yellowish in color when cooked, the leaf is twined and shaped like a long tube, the leaf holds it tubular shape with strip of buri (raffia) tied lengthwise that would also serve as string handle, and a bamboo pick is pinned on the top end to fasten the opening of the tube.
*suman sa lihiya (sú-man sa li-hi-ya; Tagalog) [n.] a greenish rice stick, made from glutinous rice soaked in lye, wrapped in wilted banana leaf, usually two pieces of wrapped rice sticks are tied together with folded ends of the leaf wrapper facing each other, the delicacy is serve with freshly grated coconut and sugar. The suman (rice stick) turns green because of the lihiya (lye) water reacting with the banana leaves placed underneath inside the pot where suman is being cooked. In Quezon, this suman is sometimes called the “sumang magkayakap” as the two pieces appeared to be in an embrace.
*sumang magkayakap (sú-mang mag-ka-yá-kap; Quezon delicacy) [n.] (same as suman sa lihiya)
*budbod (búd-bud; Cebuano) [n.] a rice stick rolled and usually wrapped in banana leaf, the delicacy is a mixture of glutinous rice, coconut cream, and salt \rolled gelatinous rice. Budbod is more elongated in shape and wrapped in an assortment of leaves \stocky rice roll.
*cocomas (ko-ko-mas) [n.] suman flavored with coconut and muscovado sugar.
*nilidgid (ni-líd-gid; Waray, Cebuano and Boholano) [n.] (same as suman kamoteng-kahoy)
*lidgid (líd-gid; Waray, Cebuano and Boholano) [n.] (same as suman kamoteng-kahoy)
*iraid (ni-líd-gid; Waray, Cebuano and Boholano) [n.] (same as suman kamoteng-kahoy)
*patupat (pa-tú-pat; Ilocano) [n.] suman made of uncooked rice filled into square-woven leaves then immersed in boiling syrup of coconut milk and sugar to cook.
*pilit tapul (pi-lìt ta-pul; eastern Mindanao) [n.] a kind of suman that is made with a variety of tapul (violet) rice known to be indigenous to Mindanao.
*roka (ro-ka; Cebuano) [n.] sweet tapioca roll, the pulp of cassava roots is grated and its juice removed by squeezing well, then the flour produced from the bagasse is mixed with coconut cream and some sugar. A scoop of mixture is put on the banana leaf then rolled. Steaming the rolls or boiling them until the content turns gooey or semi-solid does the cooking. (similar to the nilidgid, lidgid or iraid in Leyte, Samar, Bohol; suman kamoteng kahoy in Tagalog)
*barubod (ba-ru-bòd; Maranao delicacy) [n.] rice stick made of tapul (purple-colored) glutinous rice flavored with durian.
*moron (mo-rón; Waray (eastern Visayas) delicacy) [n.] intertwined white suman and chocolate suman. The white suman is made from finely ground rice seasoned with ginger and salt, while the chocolate suman is made from ground talyan (a species of yam endemic only in eastern Visayas) or ground rice mixed with thick sikwate (cacao chocolate drink), sweetened with sugar, and embedded with pieces of split whole peanuts. Special version of moron has a stick of cheese placed in between the intertwined sumans. Moron is wrapped in banana leaf and tied with a string or a strip of banana leaf tightly secured on both ends. (a.k.a. suman minuron)
*nilapet (ni-la-pét; Ilocano delicacy) [n.] suman (rice stick) that is conic and triangular in shape. It is cooked by simmering in coconut milk.
*suman minuron (su-man mi-nu-rón) [n.] (same as moron)
*inday-inday (Negrense delicacy) [n.] steamed glutinous rice with grated coconut.
sumsuman – (sum-sú-man; Cebuano, Boholano and Waray) [n.] a food served and eaten during drinking session \an appetizer served along with the alcoholic drinks. (pulutan in Tagalog)
sundang – (sun-dang; Cebuano bladed weapon) [n.] bolo, a machete-like bladed weapon or tool similar to Tagalog itak (see itak)
sundang – (sun-dang; Ilonggo knife) [n.] knife \dagger \kitchen knife (kutsilyo in Tagalog; punyal or kutsilyo in Cebuano)
sundot kulangot – (sun-dot ku-lá-ngot; Baguio City delicacy) [n.] (see under calamay)
sungo – (su-ngò; Waray fuel) [n.] firewood, charcoal, paper, kerosene, or any other kind of fuel used to build and feed on fire to keep it aflame (panggatong in Tagalog; sugnod in Cebuano)
sunlotan – (sun-lo-tan; meat of echinoderms prepared into dish in Romblon, Sagay & some coastal towns in Cebu) [n.] (see under kinilaw)
sunny side up – (sa-ni-sáyd àp; dw Eng. sunny side up) [n.] the egg is fried with the yolk unbroken and without being turned over (see also fried egg)
suoy – (su-oy; Waray condiment) [n.] vinegar, in general (see suka) (suka in Cebuano and Tagalog)
sushi – (sú-si; Japanese origin; dw Jap. sushi) a Japanese dish consisting of small cuts of molded cold cooked rice flavored with vinegar, typically garnished with strips of raw or cooked fish, cooked egg, vegetables, fruits, etc.
sutukil – (su-tu-kil; Cebuano dish) [n.] This name is the combination of the first letters of conventional Cebuano cooking terms: “sugba, tula, ug kilaw,” which means “grill, stew, and raw,” referring to the conventional and popular Visayan style of cooking dishes, particularly in serving fish dishes. Sutukil was first popularized in a cluster of eateries along the beaches of Mactan island in Cebu that offer galore of seafood laid out and were ready to be cooked in any way the customer prefers. Cooking starts from customer selecting a choice of fresh seafood or choice cut of chicken meat and\or pork displayed on the rack or glass counter. Then ask the cook to prepare the food the way the customer want it done. Cooking is prepared right before the eyes of the customers who wait the ordered menu completed and served on the table. Aside from the selection of sugba, tula or kilaw, other recipe or way of cooking may be also requested depending on the availability of needed ingredients and flavors.
suwa – (su-wà; Tagalog fruit) [n.] an aromatic locally grown citrus (see calamansi)
suwa bangkit – (su-wà bang-kit; Tausug fruit) [n.] (see dayap)
suwa ganga – (su-wà ga-nga; Tausug fruit) [n.] a local lime that is big and round
suwa itlog – (su-wà it-log; Tausug fruit) [n.] a local lime that is round and small
suwake – (su-wá-ke; Tagalog echinoderms) [n.] velvety sea urchin and its roe \colored sea urchin (see more about suwake in my comment below this page)
suwaki – (su-wá-kì; Visayan echinoderms) [n.] sea urchin roe
sweet beans – (swet bens) [n.] beans fermented in sugar. The beans could be red beans, white beans, kidney beans, or monggo (green gram bean)
Written by Edgie Polistico. (Copyright 2008-2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). Posted here is the 4th Update (2010). Latest copy is now a book published by ANVIL Publishing (2016), which is ten times more updated with 10,000 more entries than what is posted here. The book was chosen among "World Best Culinary Books" in the international 22nd Gourmand Book Awards. The book also won Best Book On Food in the 36th National Book Awards (2017), and lately, it won the 39th Gintong Aklat Awards (2018). (Click right column banners to get your copies or CLICK HERE NOW.)
Written by Edgie Polistico. (Copyright 2008-2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). Posted here is the 4th Update (2010). Latest copy is now a book published by ANVIL Publishing (2016), which is ten times more updated with 10,000 more entries than what is posted here. The book was chosen among "World Best Culinary Books" in the international 22nd Gourmand Book Awards. The book also won Best Book On Food in the 36th National Book Awards (2017), and lately, it won the 39th Gintong Aklat Awards (2018). (Click right column banners to get your copies or CLICK HERE NOW.)
SILI, or the chili pepper, is called by different names across the country. Its green leaves is also used in cooking, such as:
ReplyDeletesili – (Tagalog, Cebuano, Boholano, Bicolano and Yakan spice /condiment) (harang in Waray; katumbal harang in Ilongo; a.k.a lada in Bicolano and Suluanon; lara in Capampangan; paktiu in Ifugao; luya tiduk in Maranao; lara or lara jaangay in Ta’u-sug) [n.] chili (sc.name: Capsicum annuum, [cv group Longum, & c. Frutescens]) \chili pepper \hot pepper \pepper
*dahon sa sili (Cebuano vegetable) [n.] young leaf of pepper \pepper leaf
*katumba (Ta’u-sug spice) [n.] same as Tagalog siling labuyo
*luya tiduk (Maranao spice) [n.] same as Tagalog siling labuyo
*mimis (Ilocano spice) [n.] tiny wild bird’s eye chili, same as Tagalog siling labuyo
*sili na pangsigang (Tagalog /spice) [n.] same as siling mahaba
*sili napet (Itawis spice) [n.] same as Tagalog siling labuyo
*sili nga tag-ason (Cebuano spice) [n.] same as Tagalog siling mahaba
*siling berde (Tagalog spice) n.] green finger chili, same as Tagalog siling haba
*siling bundok (Tagalog spice) [n.] Philippine bird’s eye chili, same as Tagalog siling labuyo, below
*siling haba (Tagalog spice) (a.k.a. siling berde, siling pangsigang, or siling pamaksiw in Tagalog) [n.] green finger chili (sc.nam;e: Capsicum anuum, var. longum); A finger-long evergreen chili pepper, about 6 to 10 centimeters long, cylindrical and narrows towards the tip. If compared to siling labuyo (Philippine bird’s eye chili), siling haba is much less peppery (mildly hot) and is often used as hot seasoning in Tagalog’s sinigang (fish or meat in soured broth) and in paksiw (fish or meat boiled in vinegar with spices). It stays yellow green in color most of the time that it is also called siling berde (green chili) that would turn yellow-orange only when overripe, though there is another variety that would turn red when ripe but is less preferred and never called siling berde
*siling kulikot (Cebuano spice) [n.] same as Tagalog siling labuyo
*siling labuyo (Tagalog) (a.k.a. siling bundok or siling palay in Tagalog; siling kulikot in Cebuano; silit diablo in Ilocano; katumba in Ta’u-sug; luya tiduk in Maranao; mimis in Ilocano; sili napet in Itawis) [n.] Philippine bird’s eye chili (sc.name: Capsicum frutescens) \native hot small chili pepper \tiny hot chili
*siling mahaba (Tagalog spice) [n.] green finger chili, same as Tagalog siling haba, above
*siling pamaksiw (Tagalog spice) n.] green finger chili, same as Tagalog siling haba, above
*siling pangsigang (Tagalog spice) n.] green finger chili, same as Tagalog siling haba, above
*siling palay (Tagalog spice) [n.] Philippine bird’s eye chili, same as Tagalog siling labuyo, above
*siling pula (Tagalog spice) (moroh or kasila in Tiruray) [n.] red chili pepper
*silit diablo (Ilocano spice) [n.] Philippine bird’s eye chili, same as Tagalog siling labuyo, above
*talbos ng sili (Tagalog vegetable) (udlot sa sili in Cebuano) [n.]
young leaf of leaf \pepper leaf
*udlot sa sili (Cebuano vegetable) [n.] same as Tagalog talbos ng sili
*siling labuyo (Tagalog) (a.k.a. siling bundok or siling palay in Tagalog; siling kulikot in Cebuano; silit diablo in Ilocano; katumba in Ta’u-sug; luya tiduk in Maranao; mimis in Ilocano; sili napet in Itawis) [n.] Philippine bird’s eye chili (sc.name: Capsicum frutescens) \native hot small chili pepper \tiny hot chili; A species of Philippine tiny hot chili pepper. A variety of Philippine hot chili pepper, also known as the “bird’s eye hot pepper,” a species that is known to grow only in the Philippine archipelago. So called siling labuyo because it is picked by wandering wild chickens called labuyo (or manok gubat). Siling labuyo bears tiny fruits but is refuted to be one of the hottest peppers in the world, especially the ripe ones that are bright red in color, but green and sometimes rare white when unripe and yellow when about to ripen. It is more commonly used in Filipino kitchens as a condiment, or main ingredients as in some Bicolano and Ilocano dishes; in Visayan and Mindanawanon, the young leaves (tops) are used in cooking as vegetable in some soupy dish. This tiny hot chili is served as sliced, crushed, mashed, or marinated whole in vinegar, as in the sinamak. It may be also sun dried and ground into powder and placed in a shaker for sprinkling over some dishes on the table or while cooking. Siling labuyo is mild if spiced as a whole piece, but very fiery if it is cut open, mashed, or chopped into pieces as it exposed its seeds and juice which are the hottest parts
ReplyDeleteHow many kinds of bananas are familiar to you? Did you know that there are nearly a hundred varieties of bananas, or even more, that are growing anywhere in the country? I was able to collect only the following (if you have more, please share it here for everybody to know):
ReplyDelete*amas (a-más; Mindanawanon fruit) [n.] a variety of sweet tasting banana fruit that can be eaten fresh when ripe, also known by its name as the “gold finger”
*bulongan (bu-ló-ngan; Cebuano and Dumagueteño fruit) (a.k.a. bungolan or saging berde in Tagalog & Lagueño; baloy in Waray) [n.] yellowgreen banana (sc.name: Musa var. suaveolens), a variety of sweet table banana fruit with a skin (banana peel) that turns yellow green (not yellow) when it ripens. It usually has a long, big and curve digit of fruit. It is eaten ripe and uncooked, or made into banana catsup
*bungolan (bu-ngo-lan; Tagalog and Lagueño fruit) [n.] same as bulongan, above
*baloy (ba-lóy; Waray fruit) [n.] yellow green banana, same as Cebuano bulongan, above
*bungan (bú-ngan; Boholano fruit) [n.] yellow green banana, same as Cebuano bulongan, above
*buto ng principe (bu-tô nang prin-si-pe; Bicolano fruit; Span. morado [purple]) (a.k.a. moro ki datu in Bicolano) [n.] purple banana fruit, same as Tagalog murado (see murado). Buto ng principe literally means as the “penis of the prince”
*cavendish (ka-ben-dis; Tagalog and Davaoeño banana) [n.] (sc.name: Musa, var. cavendish) a variety of long and smooth-skinned banana. The skin of the Cavendish fruit is yellow-green in color when unripe and turns bright yellow as it ripens with shades of light green at the tip and stem of the fruit, and its cream pulp is sweet and aromatic. Cavendish is highly cultivated in big banana plantations in Davao and nearby provinces for export. Most cavendish bananas sold in Visayas and Luzon are from Mindanao, and mostly of these are second class or those that did not qualify for exportation. It is eaten ripe and uncooked, or made into banana catsup
*karaw (ka-ráw; Palaweño [Cuyonon] fruit; dw ???. ???) [n.] purple banana fruit, same as Tagalog murado, below
*karnaba (kar-ná-ba; Cebuano, Boholano, and Leyteño fruit) (saba in Tagalog) [n.] cardava banana (sc.name: Musa var. compresa). Same as Tagalog saba, below
*nanpablo (nan pab-lo; Bicolano fruit) [n.] a variety of banana that is eaten ripe and uncooked. A digit of this banana is identified with its nipple-like tip
*lakatan (la-ka-tán; Tagalog, Cebuano, and Boholano fruit) [n.] (sc.name; Musa var. lacatan) a variety of long and slender sweet banana fruit. The skin (banana peel) is yellow green when the fruit is unripe. When ripe, its thick and smooth-skinned peeling would turn bright yellow
*lana (lá-na; Tagalog fruit) [n.] a rare species of small-sized banana in some areas in southern Luzon
(see next comment for the continuation)
*latundan (la-tun-dan; Tagalog, Cebuano, and Ilonggo fruit) (a.k.a. tundan in Cebuano & Boholano) [n.] (sc.name; Musa var. cinerea) a variety of short, rounded, thin-skinned banana fruit. The skin (banana peel) is yellow-green when unripe. It turns deep yellow when ripe and some would have speckles of reddish brown or even darker that would give the skin its kalawang (rust) look. It is said that the more the kalawang-like stain appears on the skin of the fruit, the sweeter the latundan is
ReplyDelete*maybay (may-bay; Cebuano fruit) [n.] a variety of cooking banana with a digit that is large and light green skin (banana peel). It is a little smaller than the tindok banana
*morado (mo-rá-do; Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, Ilonggo, Negrense and Akeanon [Aklan] fruit; Span. morado [purple]) [n.] purple banana fruit, same as Tagalog murado, below
*moro ki datu (mo-ro kid da-tù; Bicolano fruit; Span. morado [purple]) (a.k.a. buto ng principe in Bicolano) [n.] purple banana fruit, same as Tagalog murado (see murado. Moro ki datu literally means as the “finger of a chieftain”
*murado (mo-rá-do; Tagalog fruit; Span. morado [purple]) (renes na pula in Lagueño (Nagcarlan, Liliw & Santa Cruz); sinibukaw or morado in Cebuano; morado in Waray, Ilonggo & Negrense; buto ng principe or moro ki datu in Bicolano; karaw in Palaweño (Cuyonon)) [n.] purple banana fruit; A species of banana that bears fruits with purple peeling, and sweetish cream-colored soft pulp when ripe. The shorter and stout variety is called “morado chico” while the longer ones is called “morado grande” or “morado gigante” in Lagueño. Morado banana is meant to be a table banana that is eaten ripe and raw. It is not good if cooked (fried, boiled or stewed)
*pakol (pa-kol; Waray fruit) [n.] same as Cebuano butuan banana, above
*sab-a (sáb-a; Cebuano, Boholano, and Ilonggo fruit) [n.] a variety of saba (Philippine plantain) cooking banana but has smaller digit of fruit compared to the common Philippine cardava species, having a light yellowish pulp and a peculiar sweetish aftertaste
(see next comment for the continuation)
*saba (sa-bá; Tagalog fruit) (karnaba in Cebuano; seba in Pangasinense; sagin saba in Capampangan; radja in Igorot) [n.] Philippine plantain \a local variety of plantain. A variety of short but fat-sized variety of locally grown plantain banana fruit and is traditionally served as cooked banana fruit. It is considered one of the staple food in rural areas. The fruit is of fat angular body, has thick skin (banana peel) and rounded light cream pulp. It is cooked either ripe or unripe. The green ones are boiled or made into banana chips, while the ripe ones are often used in making banana cue (fried or grilled banana in barbecue stick) and maruyang saging (banana fritter) though it can also be boiled
ReplyDelete*saging berde (sa-ging ber-de; Tagalog fruit) [n.] yellowgreen banana, same as Cebuano bulongan, above
*tandok (tan-dok; Cebuano fruit) [n.] same as Cebuano tindok, below
*seba (se-bá; Pangasinense fruit) [n.] same as Tagalog saba, above
*señorita (sen-yo-ri-ta; Cebuano, Boholano, Waray, and Tagalog fruit) (also spelled as senyorita) [n.] (sc.name: Musa paradisiaca) a variety of sweet-tasting banana fruit known for its tiny and rounded digit (finger-like sizes). It has thin skin (banana peel) that is light yellow green when unripe. When it ripens, the skin would turn light yellow with shades of yellow green on the edges, the tip and stalk of the fruit, and would easily comes off from the bunch with very soft pulp that is sweet and aromatic
*tindok (tin-dok; Cebuano fruit) (a.k.a. tandok) [n.] (sc.name: Musa paradisiaca var. magna) a kind of cooking banana that bears very long digit of fruit, about a foot or more long and somewhat curved in shape, and has a green skin. A variety of huge banana fruit that is about the size of a man's arm. The tindok plant bears a bunch of fruit that only has around three clusters with about a dozen of digits in each cluster. This banana is only good when cooked. Tindok is rich in potassium
*tundan (tun-dan; Cebuano and Boholano fruit) [n.] same as latundan, above
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sisig – (sí-sig; Capampangan and Tagalog ) [n.] minced ears, cheeks and head skin of pig. sisig has evolved from being a snack of fresh green fruits, like guavas, mango and papaya, to a more complicated and elaborately prepared meat sisig served as sizzling dish on hotplate. The earliest recorded documentation of sisig was an entry of 1732 Pampango-Spanish dictionary, Vocabulario de la Lengua Pampanga en Romance, by Fray Diego Bergano with a noun entry for sisig defined as “vinaigrette salad; an acidic hor’s dóeuvre or snack of unripe mango, guava or papaya; anything that is fermented in vinegar.” While an adjective entry mapanyisig “refers to someone who is fond of snacking on sour food.” In that old era in Pampanga, the pregnant women have that common practice of eating sour fruits in the early stage of conceiving a child to relieve their selves from discomfort in pregnancy. Their kind of fruit sisig is dipped in vinegar and/or salt like that of present-day burong mangga. In the last three months of their pregnancy, the expectant mother would prepare another and different kind of sisig. This time it is made of boiled pig ears and tail that is eaten by dipping in vinegar before every bite. There is an urge for expectant mother to chew plenty of this cartilaginous sisig as they attributed the eating of lots of cartilages to good development of fetal bones. Our contemporary pork sisig now is made not only of ears and tail, but also of snout of pig, maskara (entire skin of pig`s head), meat from pig’s head, finely chopped liver and sometimes bits of pig’s brain tissues. Even the thick skin and fats on other parts of pig is also used. The skin (sometime complete with the underlying fats), ears and liver are parboiled, grilled, minced, then sautéed in oil with garlic and onions. Then smothered with minced or chopped onions, siling labuyo (Philippine bird’s eye chili) and juice extract from calamansi (Philippine green round lime), and sometimes daubed with a dollop of pig’s brain (see next comment, below, for the continuation)
ReplyDelete(continuation ...) It was in mid 1970’s that Aling Lucing Cunanan introduced the idea of serving large quantities of sisig in her eatery along the railroad crossing (a.k.a. Double Dead Park) in Angeles City, Pampanga. At first, she just served sisig that was merely a mix of boiled and chopped pig’s ear seasoned with vinegar and locally available spices. When demand increases or when supply of pig’s ear went scarce, Aling Lucing had to add pig’s cheeks and snout to augment the meat ingredient in making sisig. Aside from boiling, she also had to grill the cheeks and snouts making it crunchy. Later on, she added chopped boiled chicken liver and seasoned her modified sisig with chopped onions, calamansi extract and the optional siling labuyo (Philippine bird’s eye chili). Not far from the railroad crossing is another eatery, the Sisig Benedict, which started the style of serving sisig on sizzling plate (hotplate). Being now among the famous food in the Philippines, some big food manufacturers in the country are now producing instant sisig. It is pre-cooked, frozen, cut into slabs and sold in vacuum-packed plastic wrapper. With the mass production of precooked sisig, it is now very easy and quick to have a serving of sisig either by stir-frying or heating it in microwave oven. Nowadays, sisig is no longer popular as food for pregnant mothers. It is rather known now as pulutan (food taken along with alcoholic drinks), even considered as main dish or viand. Other variations of sisig came into existence that uses fish, chicken meat and other meats as replacement to the pork parts for the benefit of those who are health conscious. When the traditional Capampangan way of making sisig then is “grilled” (not fried), now the meat are cooked in oil after undergoing a sort of parboiling or half-cooked grilling. Adaptation in other regions and commercialized production of sisig are rather “stir-fried.” Cooking the meat mostly end now in pan frying to obtain that crisp finish and crunchiness in the minced meat ingredients. For added crunchiness, crushed chicharon (pork skin cracker) is sometimes garnished as topping. Modern sisig is whipped with mayonnaise, mustard sauce, pesto or any other savory sauces for an enhanced taste or twist in flavor. Some would serve sisig with half-fried whole chicken egg and listed as among the Pinoy silog meals. Varieties of sisig now include that of pork sisig; chicken sisig; bangus sisig; pusit sisig; tuna sisig and some are served as sizzling dish (see also sizzling for more about sizzling sisig). Probably we are too confused that almost all dishes served in sizzling plate are called sisig. Sisig has evolved into many forms that it is now hardly recognizable with the original Capampangan version
ReplyDelete*bagnet sisig (bág-net si-sig; Ilocano ) [n.] sisig dish of finely chopped bagnet
ReplyDelete*bangus sisig (ba-ngús si-sig; Tagalog ) [n.] sisig that uses bangus fish fillet as an alternative meat to the conventional pork version. The bangus fillet is cut into small pieces (usually in cubes) and marinated, then fried brown and added to sautéed sliced onion. When cooked, the dish is placed on preheated metal plate and served while it is very hot and sizzling
*Cabalen sisig (ka-ba-lén sí-sig; Capampangan ) [n.] (same as sisig Capampangan)
*chorisisig (tso-ri-sí-sig; Tagalog ; dw Span. chorizo [pork sausage] + Tag. sisig) [n.] sisig dish with chorizo (Philippine pork sausage). Chorisisig is coined after combing the words chorizo and sisig. The maskara ng baboy (skin of pig’s head and face) is washed clean, scalded and shaved, and then boiled in the pot filled with water seasoned with onions, garlic, bay leaf, pepper corn and meat tenderizer, such as ginger or resin from green papaya. The meat are boiled till tender. When tender, the maskara ng baboy is taken out from the pot, rubbed with salt and air dried. Meanwhile, a heap of charcoal is set to burn into glowing embers, and the dried maskara ng baboy is broiled till lightly seared, with some parts dark and crisp, then chopped into small pieces and set aside. In a heated pan, garlic, onions and minced chorizos are sautéed till aromatic, then followed by a sprinkle of paprika, then the finely chopped maskara ng baboy and stir-fried for at least 2 minutes. Then removed from the pan and placed on a heated sizzling plate. While sizzling, mayonnaise and calamansi extract are added with the optional chopped siling haba (green finger chili). Finally, topped with crumbled pieces of chicharon baboy (pork skin crackling)
*dinacdacan (di-nak-dá-kan; Ilocano ) (also spelled as dinakdakan in Ilocano; a.k.a. warek-warek in Ilocano) [n.] mixed chopped broiled maskara (pig’s face skin) or pig’s cheek, or finely chopped skin of cow`s face skin, usually with sliced meat, liver, pig’s ears, pig’s snout, innards, and pig’s brain. The skin and innards are parboiled to easily cook the inside part of meat before it is grilled and chopped into bits. The chopped pieces are tossed with salt, vinegar (or calamansi juice), pepper, chopped leeks and red onion, and then cooked the way Capampangan sisig is done. Thus, it is referred to as the Ilocano version of sisig. Sili (chili pepper) of any kind can be added if piquancy is desired. Dinacdacan is often served as a heap on dish plate. It can also be served on heated sizzling plate, or shaped into small sisig balls by molding dinacdacan with mayonnaise to help the pieces stick together
*pork sisig (pork sí-sig; Tagalog dw ???. ???) (a.k.a. sisig babi in Capampangan) [n.] sisig dish made of broiled pig ears, cheek, and skin of face and head, then minced and stir-fried with spices and seasonings and maybe served on heated sizzling plate (hotplate); Pork sisig can also be of pig belly braised until all the water is gone and the pork is fried on its own fat and skin is crisp. The pork belly is then chopped into strips and mixed with chopped green siling mahaba, and finely cchopped red onion, spring onion leaves, ginger, and dressed with lots of mayonnaise. The taste comes tangy only when bits of ginger are chewed. The combined hotness of finger chili and ginger makes the dish a good appetizer. It is served with the condiment soy sauce or fish sauce with fresh chili pepper on the side. Pork sisig may also be served as sizzling pork sisig or spicy pork sisig. The sizzling pork sisig is served on a heated hotplate, while the spicy pork sisig can be of finely chopped broiled ears, cheeks, snout and skin head of suckling pig and then spiced with lots of minced chilies
ReplyDelete*pusit sisig (pu-sìt sí-sig; Tagalog ) [n.] a sisig dish made of stir-fried squid rings or pieces of chopped squid; Fresh squids are grilled till the meat turns opaque and lightly seared. It is then cut into rings or chopped into bits then sautéed with garlic and onions. Chopped tomatoes and onions rings may also be added as garnishing and dressed with spiced vinegar, mayonnaise, mustard sauce, pesto, or any other savory sauce
*sisig antiguo (sí-sig an-ti-gú-o; Capampangan ) [n.] the old-style traditional Capampangan sisig and the earliest and simplest version of meat sisig. It is made with boiled pig ears and tail, and dipped in vinegar before every bite. Antiguo is from the Capampangan word antigo, which meanis “antique” or “old-fashioned.” In olden times, expectant mothers had the urge to chew plenty of this cartilaginous sisig as they attributed the eating of lots of cartilages from pig ears and tails to good development of fetal bones
*sisig babi (sí-sig ba-bi; Capampangan ) [n.] same as Tagalog pork sisig; A kind of sisig that is made with chopped pig’s ears and cheeks, seasoned with vinegar, spices and salt, and sometimes daubed with a dollop of pig’s brain (see also pork sisig)
*sisig Capampangan (sí-sig ka-pam-pá-ngan; Capampangan ) (a.k.a. Cabalen sisig in Capampangan) [n.] Capampangan-style pork sisig; The skin and ears of pig are broiled then chopped finely and mixed with chopped stir-fried chicken liver, and added with finely chopped fresh red onions and calamansi extract. It can be made spicy hot by adding chopped siling mahaba for milder hotness, or with siling labuyo for fiery spicy flavor
*sisig de bobo (sí-sig de bo-bo; Tagalog ) [n.] pork sisig or beef sisig smothered or daubed with a dollop of sautéed brain of pig or cow
ReplyDelete*sisig matua (sí-sig ma-tu-wa; Capampangan ) [n.] the kind of sisig first introduced by Aling Lucing Cunanan in mid-1970’s in her eatery along the railroad crossing (a.k.a. Double Dead Park) in Angeles City, Pampanga. The boiled maskara (pig head skin) and meat is cooked further by broiling or grilling then chopped into small pieces and mixed with chopped cooked chicken liver, spices, and seasonings (see also Capampangan sisig, above, for the history and evolution of sisig)
*sisig Pampangueña (sí-sig pam-pang-gén-ya; Capampangan ) [n.] same as sisig Capampangan
*sisig pisngi at balugbug babi (sí-sig pis-ngî at ba-lug-bùg ba-bì; Capampangan ) [n.] a sisig of pig cheeks and ears; The pisngi babi (pig cheek) and balugbug babi (pig’s ear) are parboiled, scraped clean of surface skin (epidermis) and hairs, then grilled till seared and chopped into small pieces then seasoned with calamansi extract, aslam (vinegar), asin (salt), black pepper, bawang (garlic), sibuyas pula (red onion), sibuyas dahon (spring onion), and other locally available spices and seasonings
*sisig saud (si-sig sa-úd; Capampangan ) [n.] strips of grilled pork in fresh mustard leaves and tomatoes. A slab of pork is seasoned with salt and pounded pamienta buto (peppercorn) then grilled till well done. The grilled pork is sliced into strips (about 2 inches wide by half inch thick) and then set aside. In a big bowl, sliced fresh tomatoes is combined with sliced onions and added with big slices of mustasa (mustard) leaves and tossed to mix. Then sliced grilled pork is added in and sprinkled with dash of salt (preferably ground salt, such as iodized salt) and pepper. It is best if the sliced grilled pork is still hot when added and tossed in the mixed greens and tomatoes. Spiced up vinegar can be used as dressing. Add the vinegar immediately before eating the freshly prepared sisig saud
*tuna sisig (tu-na sí-sig; Tagalog and Davaoeño ) [n.] tuna flakes cooked sisig style; A sisig dish that uses chunky cuts of tuna fish fillet, or simply from canned tuna flakes (in oil, corned or in tomato sauce) as an alternative meat ingredient. If using fresh tuna chunks, it is cut into small cubes and marinated, then fried brown and added to sautéed sliced onion. For canned tuna flakes, it is crushed and sautéed with sliced onion. When cooked, the dish is placed on preheated metal plate and served while it is very hot and sizzling Enhanced version uses crushed pork chicharon as additional ingredient and garnishment. There are those who would also smother their tuna sisig with tuna roe
*warek-warek (wa-rék wa-rék; Ilocano [Ilocos sur and Abra] )[n.] the other Ilocano version of sisig similar to Ilocano dinacdacan; It is made with pig tongue and internal organs usually that of pig liver, intestine, and brain. The internal organs are washed clean (except the brain), then parboiled or grilled till half-cooked, and sliced into strips then mixed with sliced onions and garlic. The brain is boiled then smothered over the sliced internal organs and stirred to mix evenly. Little amount of vinegar may be added and/or with calamansi extract then seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. Other ingredients that can also be added to enhance flavor and taste are mayonnaise, minced ginger, and sliced grilled pork. It is often served as pulutan in drinking session
ReplyDeletesuwake – (su-wa-kè; Tagalog seafood) (suwaki in Cebuano; swaki in Boholano; tirik in Cuyonon [Palaweño]; maritangtang in Ilocano; tamparong in northern Mindanao (Dinagatnon & Surigaonon; sawaki in Ta’u-sug) [n.] velvety sea urchin and its roe \colored sea urchin \ Matha's sea urchin (sc.name: Echinometra mathaei); jewel-case or globular sea urchin (sc.name: Mespilia globulus) . A species of sea urchin that has spotty or multicolored spines, usually short and not so pointed. When taken as food, the spikes around the shell are truncated and the shell is cut open. The green intestines are discarded away. Only the yellowish roe clinging in the shell can be eaten fresh and raw by scooping it out and dipping it briefly in sukang tuba ng niyog (coconut vinegar) or with few drops of that vinegar and savored by slurping it through. It can also be cooked with rice as in the case of Tausug ukuh-ukuh (sea urchin risotto)
*tuyom - (tu-yóm; Cebuano echinoderm /seafood) (tujom in Boholano; tayom in Cuyonon [Palaweño]; tayum in Ta’u-sug) [n.] black sea urchin (sc.name: Diadema setosum) \sea urchin cora. A species of sea urchin having a sharply pointed black spines that could injure humans when pricked
*tayom (ta-yóm; Palaweño ) (tuyom in Cebuano; tujom in Boholano) [n.] black sea urchin, a species of sea urchin having a sharply pointed black spines that could injure humans when pricked
*kinilaw nga tuyom (ki-ni-law nga tu-yóm; Cebuano and northern Mindanao raw dish) (kinilaw nga tujom in Boholano; a.k.a. kilawing tuyom Cebuano & in northern Mindanao) [n.] a raw dish of sea urchin; The meat of shucked sea urchin is soaked in coconut vinegar spiced with minced garlic, onions and ginger. Aside from vinegar, calamansi juice can also be used as souring agent. The freshly seasoned runny content of sea urchin is eaten raw
*salted tuyom (sol-ted tu-yóm; Cebuano ) [n.] salted sea urchins; The meat of sea urchins are collected and mixed with lots of salt and stored in glass bottles to ferment. The salt would eventually melt and become the briny solution
*ukuh ukuh (u-ku ú-ku; Ta’u-sug ) [n.] sea urchin risotto ; A dish made with hulled rice grains cooked in half-opened sea urchin shell with its runny meat and sauce included in the cooking. An adult tuyom (sea urchin) is washed clean and all its spikes are detached. Then a hole is poked in the center where rice grains are poured into the shell, filling more than half of the spaces inside the shell with the meat of sea urchin remains intact with its juice. The filled shells are then boiled to steam the rice and cook the meat inside the shell, simmered till the rice grains are tender and fluffy. When cooked, the shell of sea urchin peeled off and the mold of rice and meat inside is served with siding of chopped green mango or manggang kalbangaan (half-ripe mango) spiked with katumba (bird’s eye chili)
pork sisig (pork sí-sig; Tagalog dish) (a.k.a. sisig babi in Capampangan) [n.] sisig dish made with broiled pig ears, cheek, and skin of face and head, then minced and stir-fried with spices and seasonings and maybe served on heated sizzling plate (hotplate); Pork sisig can also be of pig belly braised until all the water is gone and the pork is fried on its own fat and skin is crisp. The pork belly is then chopped into strips and mixed with chopped green siling mahaba, and finely cchopped red onion, spring onion leaves, ginger, and dressed with lots of mayonnaise. The taste comes tangy only when bits of ginger are chewed. The combined hotness of finger chili and ginger makes the dish a good appetizer. It is served with the condiment soy sauce or fish sauce with fresh chili pepper on the side. Pork sisig may also be served as sizzling pork sisig or spicy pork sisig. The sizzling pork sisig is served on a heated hotplate, while the spicy pork sisig can be of finely chopped broiled ears, cheeks, snout and skin head of suckling pig and then spiced with lots of minced chilies.
ReplyDeletewarek-warek (wa-rék wa-rék; Ilocano [Ilocos sur and Abra] dish; dw ???. ???)[n.] the other Ilocano version of sisig similar to Ilocano dinacdacan; It is made with pig tongue and internal organs usually that of pig liver, intestine, and brain. The internal organs are washed clean (except the brain), then parboiled or grilled until half-cooked, and sliced into strips then mixed with sliced onions and garlic. The brain is boiled then smothered over the sliced internal organs and stirred to mix evenly. Little amount of vinegar may be added and/or with calamansi extract then seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. Other ingredients that can also be added to enhance flavor and taste are mayonnaise, minced ginger, and sliced grilled pork. It is often served as pulutan in drinking session.